[Geomoose-users] can't show legends

Devon Piernot piernotd at uwplatt.edu
Wed Feb 17 14:55:10 EST 2010

In this case, I'm trying to show one legend item for all three classes, 
so I commented out two of them.  After digging around all of my 
different mapfiles more, it looks like there is a problem with the 
legend for any class in my mapfiles where there is a CLASSITEM and 
EXPRESSION. This seems to be why layers with no CLASSITEM and EXPRESSION 
(such as the "Post Offices" layer) show a legend and why the "Political 
Boundaries" layer only shows one legend item and then quits when 

Any ideas why this is a problem?

Devon Piernot
GIS / Web Developer
Southwestern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission
(608) 342-6065
piernotd at uwplatt.edu

Len Kne wrote:
> I think I mistakenly said the legend is coming from the LAYER NAME, I 
> should have said it comes from the CLASS NAME.  In your mapfile, the 
> NAME tag is commented out for the classes under the Municipal boundary 
> layer.  Does un-commenting them make a difference?
> Len
> *From:* Devon Piernot [mailto:piernotd at uwplatt.edu]
> *Sent:* Wednesday, February 17, 2010 1:32 PM
> *To:* Bob Basques
> *Cc:* geomoose-users
> *Subject:* Re: [Geomoose-users] can't show legends
> The strange thing is that the legends are displaying perfectly on my 
> localhost but not when I upload them live to the web server.  The 
> "Political Boundaries" layer should have two legend categories-- 
> Counties & Municipalities-- but it only shows counties.  I've attached 
> the mapfile which is used both locally and on the live site.
> Devon Piernot
> GIS / Web Developer
> Southwestern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission
> (608) 342-6065
> piernotd at uwplatt.edu <mailto:piernotd at uwplatt.edu>
> www.swwrpc.org <http://www.swwrpc.org>
> Bob Basques wrote:
> Devon,
> Of the two layers that were on by default, one was working and 
> generating a Legend.  The Roads legend didn't generate anything for 
> me, but the Counties on did.
> This link from your site for the Roads legend Icon seems to be working:
> /_http://gis.swwrpc.org/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=%2Fopt%2Fmaps%2F%2Fswwrpc%2Fbasemap%2Froads.map&layers=all&mode=legend&mapext=485802.2046+259570.16225+529258.2046+289938.16225&imgext=485802.2046+259570.16225+529258.2046+289938.16225&map_size=2037+1423&imgx=1018.5&imgy=711.5&imgxy=2037+1423 
> <http://gis.swwrpc.org/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=%2Fopt%2Fmaps%2F%2Fswwrpc%2Fbasemap%2Froads.map&layers=all&mode=legend&mapext=485802.2046+259570.16225+529258.2046+289938.16225&imgext=485802.2046+259570.16225+529258.2046+289938.16225&map_size=2037+1423&imgx=1018.5&imgy=711.5&imgxy=2037+1423>_/ 
> But it's just creating a blank image.  Do you have a NAME parameter 
> inside of the LAYER tag set inside of the mapfiles for those layers 
> you want to see a legend for?
> bobb
> >>> Devon Piernot <piernotd at uwplatt.edu> <mailto:piernotd at uwplatt.edu> 
> wrote:
> Hey all,
> I just realized that the layer legends on my map are not displaying 
> properly.  Any idea if the problem is with my mapfiles or the mapbook?
> http://gis.swwrpc.org/geomoose/demo.html
> --
> Devon Piernot
> GIS / Web Developer
> Southwestern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission
> (608) 342-6065
> piernotd at uwplatt.edu <mailto:piernotd at uwplatt.edu>
> www.swwrpc.org <http://www.swwrpc.org>
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