[Geomoose-users] Getting the Identify tool to work.

mnaugle at glifwc.org mnaugle at glifwc.org
Mon Jan 4 17:09:25 EST 2010


I have been setting up a geomoose2 website.  The setup is ms4w with
postgres on a windows server. I got a working mapfile.  Geomoose2 also
shows the layers I setup. When I try to use the identify tool I just get
the ground coordinates.  I know that there is more information for the
points I pick like county names or detailed information about the invasive
plant. The following is the Mapserver log error I get when I click on the

[Mon Jan 04 15:47:37 2010].906000 msQueryByPoint(): Search returned no
results. No matching record(s) found.

As a side note for some reason IE no longer shows the map.
Please let me know if you need more information.
Thank you

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