[Geomoose-users] question on invisible layers

Jim Dahl jim.dahl at mail.co.douglas.mn.us
Mon Jul 26 11:51:28 EDT 2010


I am putting in layers twice.  The first is so they can turn on to look
at.  The second one is so they are always turned and to make them
identifiable.  This seems to work OK, let me know if you are aware of a
potential problem. However, my problem is this - when you print the PDF
shows these layers and they cover up other objects.  I know there is a
file to set what gets printed but forget where it is.  Can someone give
me a suggestion?  thanks,

<group title="Postal Boundaries" expand="false" tip="Click to expand and
turn on/off selection of Layers">

<map title="Zip Codes" opacity="50" default="false" legend="true"
reference="false" tip="Postal Boundaries">



<map title="Zip Codes identify" invisible="true" opacity="00"
default="true" legend="true" reference="false" tip="Postal Boundaries">





Jim Dahl, GISP
GIS Coordinator
Douglas County Public Works
526 Willow Dr
PO Box 398
Alexandria MN 56308

V 320-762-2933
F 320-762-2998

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