[Geomoose-users] Trying to change the button for a tool

Mark Volz MarkVolz at co.lyon.mn.us
Fri May 7 10:38:07 EDT 2010


At GM 2.x images are stored in a single image file   (htdocs\images\all.png).
Each tool pulls its button off of that image.   You will need to rebuild the
image using these instructions:


The icons that display are controlled by what is in htdocs\images. Most icons
are part of the css sprite. You can modify the icon by doing the following:
*	Add the icon to the htdocs\images\toolbar. It should be a PNG file
and might need to be 16*16 or about that size. The name of the icon will be
the same name that is defined in the tool under mapbook.xml.
*	If you have not already install PIL for your installation of Python
*	Set the path to your python directory ie PATH C:\Python25
<file:///\\Python25>  (you may either do this in command prompt or under
system>advanced>environment variables
*	run c:\ms4w\apps\geomoose2\tools>createSprite.py>
*	htdocs\images\all.png will be created
*	save a copy of the image to all.gif (for IE 6)
*	if you are using htdocs\css\compiled.css then you will have to
recreate the file in tools\compile_css.py

Mark Volz
GIS Specialist
Lyon County, MN

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