[Geomoose-users] issue with adding wms in a different projection

Mark Volz MarkVolz at co.lyon.mn.us
Tue Jan 11 11:15:58 EST 2011


I am trying to add a WMS in GCS_North_American_1927  (EPSG:4267) to my
application which is in Lyon County Coordinates (EPSG 127083).

Thus far I have:
1.	 Created EPSG4267.js in \proj4js\lib\defs
			Proj4js.defs["EPSG:4267"] = "+proj=longlat
+ellps=clrk66 +datum=NAD27 +no_defs";
2.	 Added a reference to the  index file under "Include your projection
file below"
			<script type="text/javascript"
3.	Added the projection to the new wms map source:
				<map-source name="TEST" type="wms"
tiled="false" reference="false" projection='EPSG:4267'>
4.	Added a reference to the new mapsource
					<layer title="TEST"
src="Test/LOMA_POINTS" status="on"/>

My map is now not showing up at all, and if I comment out the reference to my
index file, I get the following error:

Getmapbook returns an error:
datumDef.towgs84 is undefined

Does anyone have an idea as far as what I could be missing, or how I could
fix the issue?

Thank You

Mark Volz
GIS Specialist
Lyon County, MN

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