[Geomoose-users] Feature editor, error missing required field
Brent Fraser
bfraser at geoanalytic.com
Thu Jun 16 12:03:47 EDT 2011
It shouldn't be required. I'll file a ticket.
Best Regards,
Brent Fraser
On 6/16/2011 9:45 AM, dolson at glifwc.org wrote:
> It worked! I added it to the INI file and it added successfully.
> Thank you so very much!
> Dara
>> Hmm. You could try adding
>> required_for_create=permit_number
>> required_for_update=permit_number
>> to your Layer.ini file... I can't see anything obvious in your files or
>> in editor.php...
>> Best Regards,
>> Brent Fraser
>> On 6/15/2011 2:43 PM, Dara Olson wrote:
>>> Greetings.
>>> I am having some problems with the feature editor setup. When I go to
>>> add a point feature it says, "Missing required field:", but no field
>>> is listed after the error. There seems to be no errors showing up in
>>> any of the logs either. Does anyone know why I might be getting this
>>> error? Below is the setup for the feature and editor. We are running
>>> GeoMoose 2.2.
>>> Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
>>> Miigwech!
>>> Dara
>>> _Table:_
>>> CREATE TABLE permits.glifwc_permit_comments_points
>>> (
>>> gid serial NOT NULL,
>>> file_name character varying,
>>> description character varying,
>>> georef_protocol character varying,
>>> pdf_name character varying,
>>> document_link character varying,
>>> permit_number character varying,
>>> the_geom900913 geometry,
>>> date_lm date,
>>> wbic character varying,
>>> type_of_permit character varying,
>>> CONSTRAINT glifwc_prior_acoe_comments_pkey PRIMARY KEY (gid),
>>> CONSTRAINT enforce_dims_the_geom900913 CHECK
>>> (st_ndims(the_geom900913) = 2),
>>> CONSTRAINT enforce_srid_the_geom900913 CHECK
>>> (st_srid(the_geom900913) = 900913)
>>> )
>>> _Sequence and register:_
>>> A sequence was set up, permits.glifwc_permit_comments_points_gid_seq
>>> and an entry in the "geometry_columns" table for field
>>> "the_geom900913", 900913, POINT.
>>> _Mapfile definition:_
>>> LAYER # GLIFWC Permit Comments
>>> NAME "glifwc_permit_comment_points"
>>> CONNECTION "host=localhost dbname=xxxxx user=xxxxx password=xxxxx"
>>> DATA "the_geom900913 FROM (SELECT *, ASTEXT(the_geom900913) AS
>>> wkt_geometry
>>> FROM permits.glifwc_permit_comment_points) AS
>>> glifwc_permit_comment_points using unique gid using srid=900913"
>>> "init=epsg:900913"
>>> END
>>> NAME "GLIFWC Permit Comments"
>>> SYMBOL "..\..\icons\comments.gif"
>>> TEMPLATE "identify.html"
>>> END
>>> "identify_record" "identify.html"
>>> END
>>> END # GLIFWC Permit Comments
>>> The layer was successfully added to the project and displays correctly.
>>> _Layer INI file:_
>>> host=localhost
>>> dbname=xxxxx
>>> username=xxxxx
>>> password=xxxxx
>>> tablename=permits.glifwc_permit_comment_points
>>> geometry_column=the_geom900913
>>> primary_key_column=gid
>>> primary_key_sequence=permits.glifwc_permit_comment_points_gid_seq
>>> srid=900913
>>> layerpath=glifwc_permit_comment/glifwc_permit_comment_points
>>> _Service:_
>>> <service name="add_permit_comment">
>>> <url>php/editor.php</url>
>>> <step type="spatial" name="feature:the_geom900913" line="false"
>>> polygon="false" point="true" default="point">
>>> </step>
>>> <step type="input">
>>> <input type="hidden" name="op" value="create"/>
>>> <input type="hidden" name="table" value="glifwc_permit_comment_points"/>
>>> <input type="user" name="feature:permit_number" title="Permit Number:"
>>> />
>>> <input type="user" name="feature:file_name" title="File Name:" />
>>> <input type="select" name="feature:type_of_permit" title="Type of
>>> Permit:">
>>> <option value="APM Permit">APM Permit</option>...
>>> </input>
>>> <input type="user" name="feature:wbic" title="WBIC if applicable:"/>
>>> <input type="user" name="feature:description" title="Description:"/>
>>> <input type="user" name="feature:pdf_name" title="PDF Name:"/>
>>> <input type="user" name="feature:document_link" title="Link to
>>> Document:"/>
>>> <input type="select" name="feature:georef_protocol"
>>> title="Georeference Protocol:">
>>> <option value="digitized by hand">Digitized by Hand</option>...
>>> </input>
>>> </step>
>>> </service>
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