[Geomoose-users] Migrating geomoose v1.6 Microsoft to Linux

geo3d geomatrix3d at gmail.com
Thu Jun 30 08:22:07 EDT 2011

Hey folks, need an extra pair of eyes; I've gone over my configuration for a
few days now and can't seem to find a solution to my problem: ( my map has
been operational for nearly 2 years on a Windows box running xp and apache2)

Problem: select.php and print.php aren't being called - I'm fairly sure its
a simple syntax error but damned if I can find it. 

My test map can be found @ maps.peachtree-city.org/Test

I've got everything else to include searching, identifying, etc up and

I've attached a screen shot of Firebug response: 


The following snippets apply to my map configuration:

<service title="Select Feature" default="true" locked="true"
cursor="url(cursors/select.cur), auto" shape="box" type="inspect-search"
			    <input type="multipoint" name="coords"/>
			    <input type="hidden" name="shape" value="poly"/>
			    <input type="hidden" name="map"
			    <input type="hidden" name="select"
			        <input type="select" name="layer" title="Layer to Select:">
					<option value="Parcels:PARCEL_NO">Parcels</option>
			        <input type="hidden" name="output" value="html"/>

# select.php (c) 2007 Dan "Ducky" Little
# Write for the GeoMOOSE project, sponsored by the OpenMNND Organization
# PHP Translation of the Perl script select.pl

# Make the PHP Script Shut Up, but still give something useful if there
# is a legit error or parsing bug.
error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_PARSE);

# Include the GeoMOOSE PHP Library Utilities

# Get in the information from the request
$coordinates = $_REQUEST['coords'];
$title = $_REQUEST['title'];
$shapeType = $_REQUEST['shape'];
$buffer = $_REQUEST['buffer'];
$layer = $_REQUEST['layer'];
$output = $_REQUEST['output'];
$identifyMap = $_REQUEST['map'];
$selectMap = $_REQUEST['select'] ..........


 * This file controls the basic settings for the GeoMOOSE PHP Services
 * Any of these settings can be over-ridden in the specific script.

$TEMP_DIRECTORY = '/var/www/tmp/';
$TEMP_WEB = '/tmp/';

# Do not forget the trailing "/"!
$PARENT_DIRECTORY = '/var/www/iMap/Test/maps_countydemo/';

# This is used as a template by the buffer selection script
$DRAWING_MAP = '/var/www/iMap/Test/php/resources/draw.map';

$DEFAULT_OUTPUT = 'html';	# This should be the default, some scripts provide
XML, CSV, and PDF, but they all have HTML modes

# Printing Options

/*** Needed for PDF Printing... the location of FPDF ***/
$FPDF_LOCATION = '/fpdf/';

/*** Configuration for Mailing Labels ***/
$PARCELS_MAP = '/var/www/iMap/Test/maps_countydemo/select.map';
$PARCELS_LAYER = 'Parcels';..............................................

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