[Geomoose-users] query.php and pgdb

Reynolds, Michael J. (DOT) Mike.Reynolds at state.mn.us
Tue Nov 15 08:32:42 EST 2011

I'm having trouble with the Geomoose 2.4 query.php, ms4w 3.0.3 (mapserver 6.0.1) and a personal geodatabase (pgdb ms access mdb esri).

I think I have it narrowed down to an issue with the setFilter or the $filter_string.

If I comment out $queryLayer->setFilter($filter_string); at about line 300 then the Search By runs and returns ALL features using the template.  Proves template is good, map file is good, connection is possible to the data (mapserver ogr mapscript pgdb working together ok).

My map file is very simple for testing purposes:
            CONNECTION 'mte_systems.mdb'
No class items or expressions.

The filter query.php builds is $filter_string = upper(SYSTEM_ID) like '%'||upper('27')||'%'

The field SYSTEM_ID is all capital in the database (matters?).  The SYSTEM_ID field is a number data type.

MS debug is active and reports the following when the setFilter line is active:

[Tue Nov 15 07:25:17 2011].25000 getSymbol(): Symbol definition error. Parsing error near (upper):(line 228)
[Tue Nov 15 07:25:17 2011].695000 msEvalExpression(): General error message. Cannot evaluate expression, no item index defined.
... repeat above line equal number of times to the number of all features in the feature class ...
[Tue Nov 15 07:25:17 2011].788000 msQueryByRect(): Search returned no results. No matching record(s) found.
[Tue Nov 15 07:25:18 2011].116000 msFreeMap(): freeing map at 036B6A18.

Not sure what Item Index might be referring too.  The PGDB has an OBJECTID field.

Any suggestions on what to fiddle with next?
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