[Geomoose-users] Welcome to OSGeo incubation

James Klassen klassen.js at gmail.com
Mon Nov 28 18:00:26 EST 2011

I propose we change it to "We currently have [svn/trac/...] at [
sf.net/geomoose.org] and there is a pending ticket to transfer to OSGeo

Question regarding git:  How are the projects that are migrating to git
supporting people who develop on Windows?   We've been pondering various
distributed version control systems but they seem to pose a larger hurdle
to Windows users than SVN (with TortoiseSVN) does.  I know some of us have
been using hg-svn with some success and that at least allows offline
commits and merges with local branches.

On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 4:37 PM, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett at gmail.com>wrote:

> I continued from Bob's template and filled in a rough draft,
>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/GeoMoose_Incubation_Status.  For the rest of
>> the PSC, please review and improve.
>> Can I ask that you fill in where things are today (rather then pending
> ticket) as part of the fun is knowing where the source code and issue
> tracker are that may need to be migrated (if you want to migrate that is?
> personally I see projects migrating to git).
> I may talk to the incubation committee about changing the wording of that
> section :-P
> Cheers,
> Jody
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