[Geomoose-users] feature editing - able to add polygons, not able to delete or edit.

Dan Little danlittle at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 29 15:54:03 EST 2011

Ah, this is actually kinda an easy one.  There is a projections conflict for MapServer.

I'd try editing your mapfile and changing:
DATA 'wkb_geometry from (select polygon_id, title, owner, astext(wkb_geometry) as wkt_geometry, wkb_geometry from test_polygons) as mytable using unique polygon_id'

DATA 'wkb_geometry from (select polygon_id, title, owner, astext(wkb_geometry) as wkt_geometry, wkb_geometry from test_polygons) as mytable using unique polygon_id using srid=-1'

I might be a little off on the syntax.
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