[Geomoose-users] Drop down menus in links_bar_html

Dan Little danlittle at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 29 22:45:25 EST 2011

Yep. Dojo makes it much easier. 

On Nov 29, 2011, at 16:02, Jim Klassen <klassen.js at gmail.com> wrote:

> Is this something that would be easier to handle in 2.6 (if someone wanted to implement it using Dojo)?
> On Nov 29, 2011, at 12:41, Dan Little <danlittle at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> We dropped it from the 2.X series.  There was ugly code that was a pain to maintain between browsers.  If you'd like to do something fancy, feel free, but there is no native support for it in 2.X.
>> From: Matej Mailing <mailing at tam.si>
>> To: geomoose-users at lists.osgeo.org 
>> Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2011 8:24 AM
>> Subject: [Geomoose-users] Drop down menus in links_bar_html
>> Hi,
>> is perhaps some kind of drop down menus already implemented to be used in the links_bar? 
>> There was a menu functionality in the older Geomoose (1.6 if I recall correctly) and before looking for a solution I would like to be sure that there is nothing already there :-)
>> TIA,
>> Matej
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