[Geomoose-users] FW: Unable to implement select feature service

Lin, Joyce Joyce.Lin at pxd.com
Mon Dec 10 08:14:51 PST 2012


Thanks a lot for your help. I was able to view my layer when I had layer source as "Data/Lease/Lease" just that all my services besides "Identify" didn't work. (Identify worked, but got error when trying to generate report, the error was Error: Unable to load php/feature_report.php status:500
                               _28d()dojo.js (line 14)
                               _286/func()dojo.js (line 14)

here is what I just did for fixing the select feature service:

1.       I just set up firebug and found out that the service was looking for my lease folder under C:\ms4sw\apps\geomoose2\maps.

2.       I then move the whole "Data" folder under "C:\ms4sw\apps\geomoose2\maps\" and modify the "mapbook.xml" for proper path.

3.       The layer show up find and the select service seems to go one step further: It returned as "no feature found" even I am sure there should be something.

4.       The mapfile that generated for the select service in ms_tmp indicated the projection  as
                My initial projection for the layer was 'init=epsg:32040', the mapbook.xml projection was EPSG:3857

Do you have any advice?

Thanks for any inputs!

From: Jim Klassen [mailto:klassen.js at gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2012 12:48 AM
To: Lin, Joyce
Cc: geomoose-users at lists.osgeo.org<mailto:geomoose-users at lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: Re: [Geomoose-users] Unable to implement select feature service

Potentially lots of things.

On Dec 8, 2012, at 6:34 PM, Lin, Joyce wrote:


I need help with configuring the select feature for a layer. I have a "Lease" shape file store in data folder stored at C:\Data\Lease\

Following the implementer documentation of GeoMoose
1.       I moved everything under parcel demo in "maps/demo/parcels/templates" to C:\Data\Lease\templates

tamplates or templates? templates ( it was a typo, sorry)

2.       Modify select result to be as below
<!-- MapServer Template -->
<td><b>Tract Name:</b></td>
<td><b>Tract Status:</b></td>
<td colspan="2"><hr/></td>

3.       Modify Mapserver Mapfile

              NAME Lease
              DATA './Lease.shp'


                     # drill-down identify service record.
                     'identify_record'    'templates/identify.html'

                     # query.php / "Search Lease" functionality.
                     'itemquery'   'templates/search_result.html'
                     'itemquery-filter'   '/.*[qstring].*/i'
                     'qstring_validation_pattern' '.'

                     # Feature reports are stored in the conf/feature_report directory.
                     'feature_report' 'Lease.xml'

                    'select_record'      'templates/select_result.html'
                     'select_header' 'templates/select_header.html'
                     'popups' 'Lease_popup.html'

4.  Modify mapbook.xml
                     <input type="select" name="select_layer" title="Select features from:">
                           <option value="parcels/parcels">Parcels</option>
                           <option value="Lease/Lease">Lease</option>

The select_layer is a mapbook map-source/layer not a filesystem path (IIRC only one "/" is allowed in this field).  Did you create a map-source for your Lease mapfile?  Also, C:\Data is potentially outside your root path (in settings_local.ini) and that may cause problems (I haven't tested it).

I did all these steps.... But when I select features on my lease layer, it stuck at "Loading" and nothing was returning.  Could someone advise what I am overlooking?

Can you view your Lease layer on the map outside of using the select service?

In general, using Firebug (or equivalent) to view actual the requests and responses generally provides some insight into server error messages.

Thank you,

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