[Geomoose-users] Identity Tool Fatal error: Call to undefined function ms_shapeOb​​jFromWkt(​) OR Unhandled request return Internal Server Error in MS4W2.3.1 and Geomoose 2.4

sana butt sanaatifbutt85 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 1 16:32:42 EST 2012

Hi Dan and Brian

I have installed the geomoose 2.4 for ms4w 2.3.1 and the idnetify tool
gives me error, Call to undefined function ms_shapeOb​​jFromWkt(​), whereas
when I use geomoose 2.2 for ms4w 2.3.1, It works fine.

Little Experiment:

If I upgrade the ms4w 2.3.1 to ms4w 3.0.3 then Geomoose 2.4 starts working

Do you have made any solution to work geomoose 2.4 for ms4w 2.3.1 yet ?

If not untill now, Could you please check the demo with ms4w3.0.3 and geomoose
2.4 and kindly, help me in finding

1) Why lines and points are not editing and deleting (Brent was giving me
helping hand on solving Feature Editor related problems, but he's busy in
this week).

2) How to get the Styles working in symbol.sym file (which are disabled
during the mapserver 6 patch)

3) Why this demo is still not working with IE 9.

Please help me in solving these problems.

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