[Geomoose-users] Trouble with PostGis layer on GM 2.2

Brent Fraser bfraser at geoanalytic.com
Thu Feb 16 11:52:55 EST 2012

And I was surprised at the Denver FOSS4G server "shootout" where the 
benchmarks showed (if I recall correctly) a three times improvement in 
mapserver performance when running on Linux as opposed to Windows.

Best Regards,
Brent Fraser

On 2/16/2012 9:44 AM, Bistrais, Bob wrote:
> Great!  Thanks Eli!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Eli Adam [mailto:eadam at co.lincoln.or.us]
> Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2012 11:19 AM
> To: Brent Fraser
> Cc: Bistrais, Bob; Geomoose-users at lists.osgeo.org
> Subject: Re: [Geomoose-users] Trouble with PostGis layer on GM 2.2
> I tend to agree with Brent on why to select PostGIS.
> If you are after performance, this page has lots of advice,
> http://mapserver.org/optimization/index.html
> I notice that shp2tile or tile4ms is no longer listed in the shapefile
> optimization, http://www.mapserver.org/utilities/tile4ms.html
> FCGI is probably one of the more useful.
> HTH, Eli
> On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 7:10 AM, Brent Fraser<bfraser at geoanalytic.com>  wrote:
>> Bob,
>>    Personally, I'd select PostGIS for data management reasons, not
>> performance.  If you've got a few shapefiles a few thousand records and a
>> spatial index (.qix), shapefiles will likely [slightly] out-perform PostGIS.
>> Best Regards,
>> Brent Fraser
>> On 2/16/2012 8:00 AM, Bistrais, Bob wrote:
>> Not yet, still fumbling with the Simplfy statement.  But, as was said, it's
>> not really appropriate to have the parcels display at that scale.  This is
>> more of an experiment to see how well I can improve performance with PostGIS
>> over shapefiles.  Any advice is welcomed on that.
>> ________________________________
>> From: Brent Fraser [mailto:bfraser at geoanalytic.com]
>> Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2012 9:55 AM
>> To: Bistrais, Bob
>> Cc: Geomoose-users at lists.osgeo.org
>> Subject: Re: [Geomoose-users] Trouble with PostGis layer on GM 2.2
>> Cool.  Did you sort out your performance problems with the state-wide parcel
>> layer?
>> Best Regards,
>> Brent Fraser
>> On 2/16/2012 7:52 AM, Bistrais, Bob wrote:
>> Yes, as it turns out, that's what I had to do and it's working now.
>> ________________________________
>> From: Brent Fraser [mailto:bfraser at geoanalytic.com]
>> Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2012 9:37 AM
>> To: Bistrais, Bob
>> Cc: Geomoose-users at lists.osgeo.org
>> Subject: Re: [Geomoose-users] Trouble with PostGis layer on GM 2.2
>> If your PostGIS server and mapserver are on different computers, make sure
>> you've enabled Postgres to accept remote connects (edit pg_hba.conf).
>> Best Regards,
>> Brent Fraser
>> On 2/15/2012 12:50 PM, Bistrais, Bob wrote:
>> Trying to implement some layers through PostGIS, and I'm a PG newbie (some
>> of you have seen my struggles on the other lists).  But now I am having
>> trouble displaying a layer in GeoMoose 2.2.  I think this may be related to
>> the MapServer version, as this same layer works fine with MapServer 6.0.1
>> The error message is as follows:
>> msPOSTGISLayerOpen(): Query error. Couldn't make connection to DB with
>> connect string
>> The connection strings:
>>    DATA "the_geom from bb_connectme_rds USING SRID=26919 USING Unique gid"
>>    CONNECTION "user=myusername password=mypassword dbname=postgistest
>> host=mymachinename port=5432"
>>    CONNECTIONTYPE postgis
>> As I mentioned, this all works fine on another service using MapServer
>> 6.0.1.  Does PostGis work with GM 2.2?  If so, does it look like my
>> connection strings are incorrect?
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