[Geomoose-users] More problems setting up query- GM 2.6

Bistrais, Bob Bob.Bistrais at maine.gov
Thu Jul 19 14:20:32 PDT 2012

I'm having some problems with the query service.  In short, it works, but with problems.  I have it set up to query a point layer (shapefile).  When I search using a valid criteria, I get results in the result window.  But the selected features won't highlight.  In addition, if I have only one result, it does not zoom to that one result.

Another issue- I'm trying to modify the query window so I can enter several parameters for the same layer, for a total of 3 possible query items.  If I enter only the first query item, it works fine, but it I enter more, it returns no results when I know it should.  It looks like my input parameters are going in correctly.  Any suggestions on how to check the expression?
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