[Geomoose-users] force identify on certain layers, or hide layers from the catalog

Mark Volz MarkVolz at co.lyon.mn.us
Thu Jun 14 14:08:23 PDT 2012


I am experimenting with moving some of my basemap layers into a single cached wms layer, which hopefully will improve performance.  The problem that I have is that some of these layers I would like to cache such as sections, currently have identify / search functionality.  I would like to allow users to search and identify sections and other "interactive" layers.  Since I already set up these layers in Mapserver, I would like to continue to use Mapserver to run the identify / search functionality.  I wonder if it might be possible to do one of the following:

1.      Force GeoMOOSE to identify on a particular layer, and possibly not draw the layer at all?
2.      Hide the layers from the catalog.  I then could remove all the symbology from the layer.  This would allow the layer to render with the faster wms, and still allow users to search and identify on interactive layers via GeoMOOSE / Mapserver.

If anyone knows how to do either of these, or has a better idea on how I can move layers into the WMS for rendering while keeping Mapserver for functionality let me know.


Mark Volz
GIS Specialist

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