[Geomoose-users] PHP error

Michael Neimeyer mike.neimeyer at flatrockgeo.com
Thu Mar 29 10:41:20 EDT 2012

Like I said, it used to work just fine with the current settings and then
all of a sudden stopped working.

The parcels dataset has about 10000 records.  What would you recommend
changing the memory settings too?


*Mike Neimeyer
GIS Project Manager*
*Flat Rock Geographics
2434 Virginia Circle
Roseville, MN. 55113
(M) 612.695.7325
mike.neimeyer at flatrockgeo.com <mike at gisrangers.com>*

On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 9:22 AM, Dan Little <danlittle at yahoo.com> wrote:

> I've usually changed the PHP memory settings, not sure where else to look
> on that one.
> Is this parcel file particularly large or complex?
>   ------------------------------
> *From:* Michael Neimeyer <mike.neimeyer at flatrockgeo.com>
> *To:* geomoose-users at lists.osgeo.org
> *Sent:* Wednesday, March 28, 2012 11:26 AM
> *Subject:* [Geomoose-users] PHP error
> I am getting a fatal error when running a URL call
> (call=search_by_pin&qstring=243024230015) in GeoMoose.  It was working well
> but now times out:
> *Fatal error*: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to
> allocate 5 bytes) in *C:\ms4w\apps\geomoose2\htdocs\php\query.php* on
> line *331*
> I tried making changes to the settings in the Apache php.ini file to no
> avail.  Any thoughts on this issue?
> Thanks!
> Mike
> *
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *
> *Mike Neimeyer
> GIS Project Manager*
> *Flat Rock Geographics
> 2434 Virginia Circle
> Roseville, MN. 55113
> (M) 612.695.7325
> mike.neimeyer at flatrockgeo.com <mike at gisrangers.com>*
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