[Geomoose-users] Query problem

Efstathios Arapostathis e.arapostathis at gmail.com
Sun Nov 11 11:05:07 PST 2012

Hi guys,

  Sorry for continuous postings but I'm stacked for over a week in
query.php issues in GM 2.4. Could anyone help me please?

When I'm trying to use Search Service I'm receiving the following error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined method layerObj::getFeature() in
C:\ms4w\apps\culturalgis\htdocs\php\query.php on line 327

Line 327 in query.php is:

$firstResult = $queryLayer->getFeature($res->shapeindex);

You can check it out by yourselves by going to url:
(works on Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox / please set encoding to utf-8.
Search button is next to the "measure area" tool on the toolbar).

Please any help will be very appreciated.

Stathis Arapostathis
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