[Geomoose-users] query.php problem
Matej Mailing
mailing at tam.si
Wed Oct 17 02:57:49 PDT 2012
I have changed it this way and it works when there are no results and
when there are results, without the need for the nextShape() call:
for($i = 0; $i <
$queryLayer->getNumResults(); $i++) {
$shape =
if($projection) {
$shape->project($projection, $LATLONG_PROJ);
$resultFeatures[] = $shape;
$numResults += 1;
In my understanding there must be a loop to fill the $resultFeatures
since in mode 'map' they are drawn from it.
2012/10/16 Jim Klassen <klassen.js at gmail.com>:
> Ok... looking at the MapServer code, it looks like msQueryByRect eventually calls msLayerWhichShapes, but then steps through all the results using msLayerNextShape and populates the layer's result cache.
> So either we need to call whichShapes (instead of queryByRect) before our nextShapes while loop, and then call $map->queryByRect before our processTemplate (which is already there), or we need to call queryByRect and then loop through the result cache.
> while($shape = $queryLayer->nextShape()) {
> ...
> }
> to
> for($i = 0; i < $queryLayer->getNumResults(); i++) {
> $shape = $queryLayer->getResult(i);
> ...
> }
> Although, since I'm not convinced that the shape re-projection code will work (it is re-projecting shapes it doesn't "own" and so is either re-projecting a copy and then throwing out the result or it is modifying the layer's result cache, which I'm not sure is "legal"), just setting
> $numResults = $queryLayer->getNumResults();
> and dropping the while(nextShape) loop may be cleaner.
> Thoughts???
> On Oct 16, 2012, at 7:07 AM, Matej Mailing wrote:
>> Hi,
>> it seems that nextShape() requires a whichShapes() call before. So
>> after adding $status =
>> $queryLayer->whichShapes($queryLayer->getExtent()); before
>> while($shape = $queryLayer->nextShape()) {
>> it works.
>> I don't know how it could work for anyone - perhaps older Mapserver
>> didn't have this requirement?
>> Regards,
>> Matej
>> 2012/10/15 Jim Klassen <klassen.js at gmail.com>:
>>> The only thing I see is that they may be running different queries.
>>> The first one (with the while loop) querying a single *layer* (although in theory the loop above that would loop through all the layers). The second one is querying *map* and returning the processed template.
>>> On Oct 15, 2012, at 9:02 AM, Matej Mailing wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> we have a problem when using Search with the query.php. The problem is
>>>> that we always get a message: "No results found for your query! " even
>>>> though I am sure that the item with such an attribute exists. When
>>>> turning on the debug mode in query.php the output is:
>>>> "...
>>>> queryLayer iterated through
>>>> Total Results: 0
>>>> Results from MS: <a id="data-shape="coords"
>>>> href="javascript:GeoMOOSE.zoomToPointsList(dojo.byId('data-[ID]').getAttribute("data-shape'),
>>>> 'EPSG...');">data<br/>\n"
>>>> It's strange that the result from MS includes the result with the
>>>> correct attributes from the DB, but Total Results is 0.
>>>> I have found out that "while($shape = $queryLayer->nextShape()) {"
>>>> line is never true, therefore the code inside (which does the
>>>> counting) never executes.
>>>> Since we are getting the data back from the Mapserver I suppose the
>>>> Mapfile and the Mapbook.xml contents are correct.
>>>> What could be wrong here?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Matej
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