[Geomoose-users] My Data Projected in wrong area
cucuberlian at gmail.com
Mon Apr 1 10:18:02 PDT 2013
Thanks, that work.
2013/3/29, Jim Klassen <klassen.js at gmail.com>:
> You are correct, EXTENT should be in the MAP projection, however that isn't
> usually the problem because GeoMoose passes in its own extent that overrides
> the one set in the mapfile.
> I presume that is a shortened mapfile to only show the projection parts and
> the real mapfile is longer.
> You can reproject your extent using the cs2cs tool that is part of the proj4
> package (which is almost always already installed if you have mapserver).
> Assuming you have proj4 and bash (shell) installed
> cs2cs +init=epsg:32748 +to +init=epsg:3857 <( echo 681064.622758
> 9296398.489077 ; echo 696909.822267 9311182.143822 )
> 11870774.49 -709769.35 0.00
> 11886665.80 -694745.80 0.00
> Alternatively you can type/copy in the coordinates, when you press enter it
> will respond with the reprojected coordinate.
> cs2cs +init=epsg:32748 +to +init=epsg:3857
> 681064.622758 9296398.489077
> 11870774.49 -709769.35 0.00
> 696909.822267 9311182.143822
> 11886665.80 -694745.80 0.00
> So:
> EXTENT 11870774.49 -709769.35 11886665.80 -694745.80
2013/3/29, Eli Adam <eadam at co.lincoln.or.us>:
> You might be able to use
> http://www.spatialreference.org/ref/sr-org/epsg3857/ with the red
> marker showing the coordinates in the upper right to determine values
> that are appropriate for your extent in 3857. Move the map around
> until the red marked is where you want.
> HTH, Eli
> On Mar 29, 2013, at 10:53 AM, INDRA BAYU wrote:
>> How can i do it Jim?
>> I have change my map file
>> ===============================
>> MAP
>> EXTENT 681064.622758 9296398.489077 696909.822267 9311182.143822
>> 'init=epsg:3857'
>> END
>> 'init=epsg: 32748
>> END
>> END
>> END
>> ======================
>> It dosn’t work. My map is not showing.
>> I think i have to changed my EXTENT, but i dont know how it work with
>> epsg:3857
>> Is there anyone know how to fix this proclem?
>> 2013/3/28, Jim Klassen <klassen.js at gmail.com>:
>>> The Google (and other generally available tiled datasets like OSM, Bing,
>>> Mapquest) are only available in the default EPSG:3857 projection,
>>> scales,
>>> and max extent. This is because all of those parameters need to match
>>> so
>>> GeoMoose (actually OpenLayers) can calculate the same coordinate to tile
>>> lookup as was used to create the tileset.
>>> ArcGIS Rest is likely smarter (and lets the client specify a coordinate
>>> system to the server). I am not very familiar with using ArcGIS Rest.
>>> If you want to use the Google layers, then you should leave GeoMoose in
>>> 3857
>>> and then use Mapserver to project your data from 32748 to 3857 (Set the
>>> data
>>> projection in the layer and the "3857" projection at the map level).
>>> On Mar 28, 2013, at 10:49 AM, INDRA BAYU wrote:
>>>> i have fixed EPSG:32748 in settings.ini.
>>>> In geomoose when i use "ArcGIS 9.3 Rest Example" for Background, my
>>>> data projected in right area. but if i use google or yahoo or osm for
>>>> Background, my data projected in wrong area. how i fix it?
>>>> i attach my mapfile and my shp. might be you want to check
>>>> thanks
>>>> 2013/3/28, James Klassen <klassen.js at gmail.com>:
>>>>> Check with another WMS client (such as QGIS) if MapServer is
>>>>> projecting
>>>>> your data correctly. What does your MapServer LAYER look like?
>>>>> For most WMS clients to work OWS_ONLINERESOURCE should point to your
>>>>> mapfile not the geomoose website.
>>>>> It looks like you may have a space in EPSG:32748 in settings.INI, but
>>>>> that
>>>>> wouldn't cause your problem.
>>>>> You don't need to edit config.js. The values in the map book will
>>>>> override
>>>>> those in config.js. (Also I think config.js gets compiled in during
>>>>> the
>>>>> build so changes there would only take effect if you rebuilt GeoMoose
>>>>> or
>>>>> were using GeoMoose_Dev.html.)
>>>>> On Mar 28, 2013 5:36 AM, "INDRA BAYU" <cucuberlian at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> I am new to GeoMoose. I use GeoMoose 2.6.1. I have added my data and
>>>>>> have it projecting. The data is all WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_48S. I needed
>>>>>> EPSG: 32748 fo this data. I added the new EPSG as per the GeoMoose
>>>>>> instructions on http://www.geomoose.org/docs/projections.html.
>>>>>> this is my configuration:
>>>>>> ====EPSG32748.js====
>>>>>> Proj4js.defs["EPSG:32748"] = "+proj=utm +zone=48 +south +ellps=WGS84
>>>>>> +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs";
>>>>>> =====geomoose.html======
>>>>>> <script type="text/javascript"
>>>>>> src="projections/EPSG32748.js"></script>
>>>>>> <script type="text/javascript"
>>>>>> src="projections/EPSG26915.js"></script>
>>>>>> <script type="text/javascript"
>>>>>> src="projections/EPSG3857.js"></script>
>>>>>> =====myshapefile.shp=========
>>>>>> EXTENT 681064.622758 9296398.489077 696909.822267 9311182.143822
>>>>>> ..............
>>>>>> WEB
>>>>>> 'ows_title' 'Parcel Maps'
>>>>>> 'ows_srs' 'EPSG:32748 EPSG:26915 EPSG:4326 EPSG:900913
>>>>>> EPSG:3857'
>>>>>> 'ows_enable_request' '*'
>>>>>> 'ows_onlineresource' 'http://www.geomoose.org'
>>>>>> END
>>>>>> END
>>>>>> 'init=epsg:32748'
>>>>>> END
>>>>>> =====mapbook.xml=======
>>>>>> <param name="projection">EPSG:32748</param>
>>>>>> ......
>>>>>> <param
>>>>>> name="max_extent">681064.622758,9296398.489077,696909.822267,9311182.143822</param>
>>>>>> <param
>>>>>> name="initial_extent">681064.622758,9296398.489077,696909.822267,9311182.143822</param>
>>>>>> =====settings.ini====
>>>>>> [defaults]
>>>>>> ; Location of the default mapbook
>>>>>> mapbook=mapbook.xml
>>>>>> [map]
>>>>>> projection=EPSG: 32748
>>>>>> ===config.js====
>>>>>> var CONFIGURATION = {
>>>>>> 'links_bar_html' : "",
>>>>>> 'waiting_html' : 'Loading...',
>>>>>> 'mapserver_url' : "",
>>>>>> 'control_panel_side' : 'left',
>>>>>> 'mapfile_root' : "",
>>>>>> 'mapbook' : "php/getmapbook.php",
>>>>>> 'fractional_zoom' : false,
>>>>>> 'scales' : [1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,500,1000,5000],
>>>>>> 'max_extent' :
>>>>>> [681064.622758,9296398.489077,696909.822267,9311182.143822],
>>>>>> 'initial_extent' :
>>>>>> [681064.622758,9296398.489077,696909.822267,9311182.143822],
>>>>>> 'projection' : "EPSG:32748",
>>>>>> 'ground_units' : 'm',
>>>>>> My data is being projected on nowegian sea (my data is in indonesia)
>>>>>> .
>>>>>> Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?
>>>>>> Thanks
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