[Geomoose-users] Aerial Imagery Printing issue

Carrie Quast Carrie.Quast at co.brown.mn.us
Thu Feb 7 09:17:29 PST 2013

Turns out that it had to do with our proxy settings on the firewall.  A change was made to it a month or two back that broke the way the print.php gets the WMS image.  Dan Little pointed my IT guy to look in this direction.
Thank You - Carrie 

Carrie Quast, Brown County GIS Specialist/Webmaster
14 South State Street
New Ulm MN  56073
Phone:  (507) 233-6633
Fax:  (507) 359-1430
>>> "Carrie Quast" <Carrie.Quast at co.brown.mn.us> 2/4/2013 11:35 AM >>>
Hello All!
I am having an odd issue with Aerial Imagery not printing on my GeoMoose site, version 2.4.
It was working fine up until a month or two ago - Now, when an aerial is turned on and the print button selected, it times out while processing the print output.  The print button works fine if there are no Aerials turned on.  No settings have been changed, outside of some GIS Data updates.
I am using the MnGEO WMS service for my aerials, so I think it has to do with WMS services.  The aerials work fine in my GeoMoose site, they turn on and off, load correctly, etc.  Its just when I print, it becomes a problem. 
My site is:
I am hoping that someone can point me in the right direction into how to fix this problem.
Thank You - Carrie Quast, Brown County GIS Specialist.
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