[Geomoose-users] Handle several map files with GeoMoose

Robert R. Raiz raizrobert at gmail.com
Wed Jun 26 06:07:18 PDT 2013


The idea is to create an environment which should allow the use of a
specific map file based on user input (useful if one has several projects
which are not connected). My goal is to use GeoMoose in an environment
which will have a mapfile for each project. These mapfiles will be in local
projection and will have all the data 'to be' added in the mapbook.xml file.

So, let's say I have my map files city-based (each using its own local
projection, the epsg code of the county):


My goal is to populate (on the fly, using a script) the mapbook based on
what I enter in the navigation bar.

Two questions:
1. Do I have to create a .js file of all the epsg codes I use and add them
in the geomoose.html file?
I noticed that it also works without doing this. What am I gaining by
creating these .js files?

2. Can I "read" the status of a layer (on, off) from the .map file instead
of declaring the layer status in the mapbook?
I already have the status of every layer stated in the corresponding map
file. The ones I do not want to load (to have them checked) by default are
set to OFF. It would be great if I could keep the status without having to
specify them for each layer in the mapbook.

Furthermore, I will be digging into GeoMoose 24/7 so if I can help the
community with something, I will, gladly. The setback is that I am not a
programmer so probably my options are limited.

It would be great to meet some of the developers at FOSS4G Nottingham, at
the Code Sprint or GeoHack days, although I did not see any presentation
about GeoMoose in the schedule.

Many thanks,
*Raiz Roland Robert*
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