[Geomoose-users] [Geomoose for beginner's

James Klassen klassen.js at gmail.com
Mon Sep 2 19:54:02 PDT 2013

If you are using Google Maps you will need to use the projection and max
extent from the demo.  You will also need to be sure the Google maps API is
referenced from geomoose.html.  You may also need a Google Maps API key.

If you are not using Google Maps, your projection or initial extent or both
are still wrong.  X,Y is the coordinate in the projection being used by
GeoMoose.  (The one set in the Mapbook).  The initial extent and max extent
need to be given in that same projection.  Lon/Lat are how GeoMoose
transforms its given projection to Latitude and Longitude (it doesn't do
datum translation so it is in whatever datum the orig coordinates were
in).  USNG is US National Grid which is basically the same as MGRS.  The
message is complaining that it cannot calculate a USNG coordinate because
the Latitude is > 90°N.

Also, remove the map-source blocks from the Mapbook that reference the
Google layers.
On Sep 2, 2013 3:34 AM, "Solly Vuso" <sollyvuso at gmail.com> wrote:

> I think we are very close now ,when I open it gives me this dialog
> "Warning, this application has a Google Maps layer defined in the mapbook,
> but the Google Maps library has not been included."
> but its still not showing map but now it can show Google and others on the
> left hand side , on the bottom of the screen the is a message "
>   X,Y: 475571, 5144269Lat, Lon: 5144268.749, 475571.274USNG: error
> lat5144268.748552 must be between in (-90,90)... no playing at the poles,
> yet"
> On Mon, Sep 2, 2013 at 10:01 AM, Robert R. Raiz <raizrobert at gmail.com>wrote:
>> I beg pardon to all the users for multiple posts,
>> Whilst working with tons of data I go mixed up with the mapbook.xml doc,
>> desktop GIS software and mapfile.
>> You were right to put comas after the extent values. As I checked now, I
>> see that the map_book.xml file *does* use comas after each value. So, try
>> this:
>> 22.7357449240,-30.0018000880,30.1947199310,34.2138600920
>> I hope this works out for you,
>> On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 11:23 PM, Brian Fischer <bfischer at houstoneng.com>wrote:
>>>  These parameters don’t look right.****
>>> ** **
>>>                                 <param
>>> name="max_extent">-20037508.342789,-20037508.342789,20037508.342789,20037508.342789</param>
>>> (I think this needs to match your initial extent)****
>>>                                 <param
>>> name="initial_extent">25.916250,-32.592279 25.937444,-32.580086</param>*
>>> ***
>>> ** **
>>> What projection did you put your parcel shapefile in?  The way you have
>>> your mapfile setup it would have to be in EPSG 4148. ****
>>> ** **
>>> *Brian Fischer*
>>> Principal | GIS Project Manager ****
>>> Houston Engineering, Inc.****
>>> *O* 763.493.4522 | *D* 763.493.6664 | *F* 763.493.5572****
>>> ** **
>>> *From:* geomoose-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:
>>> geomoose-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] *On Behalf Of *Solly Vuso
>>> *Sent:* Friday, August 30, 2013 2:16 PM
>>> *To:* James Klassen
>>> *Cc:* geomoose-users at lists.osgeo.org
>>> *Subject:* Re: [Geomoose-users] [Geomoose for beginner's****
>>> ** **
>>> Thank you for assisting me****
>>> ** **
>>> I have one small problem, I don't know which part I have missed ****
>>> ** **
>>> 1.I have edited Mapfile for parcels , the extent and the projection (I
>>> have created my own shapefile and rename it parcels)****
>>> 2. I have changed also the Mapbook.xml (I added EPSG in that list and
>>> also changed the extent of parcels under Jump to)****
>>> 3. I have replaced the parcels shapefile with my own shapefile but using
>>> the same name****
>>> ** **
>>> The only problem I get on the browser is blank where it suppose to be a
>>> map****
>>> ** **
>>> ** **
>>> I have attached the mapbook.xml and parcels.mapfile****
>>> ** **
>>> ** **
>>> ** **
>>> On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 6:12 PM, James Klassen <klassen.js at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:****
>>> conf/mapbook.xml is the default mapbook and is the one that will take
>>> effect unless you have done something special.
>>> I am not sure what mapbook.txt is.  You can ignore mapbook_dev.xml as it
>>> is an artifact from GeoMoose 2.4 or older and is no longer used.
>>> I am not sure what you mean by "change the coordinates of parcel data".
>>> If you mean changing projections:  There are two places projections are
>>> in play.
>>> 1) MapServer needs to   know what projection your data is in.  This is
>>> set in the MAP->LAYER->PROJECTION in the mapfile.
>>> http://mapserver.org/mapfile/projection.html
>>> 2) GeoMoose needs to know what projection to display the data in.  All
>>> of your map-sources need to be able to render in the projection selected in
>>> GeoMoose.  In the demo this is EPSG:3857 so that the common tiled basemap
>>> layers work (Google, OSM, Bing, etc.)  If you are displaying in a
>>> projection other than EPSG:26915, EPSG:4326 EPSG:900913 or EPSG:3857 then
>>> you will need to add it to the list in MAP->WEB-METADATA->"ows_srs".
>>> This second case is covered here:
>>> http://docs.geomoose.org/2.6/docs/projections.html****
>>> On 2013/8/27 10:42 AM, Solly Vuso wrote:****
>>> Thank you Jim for replaying****
>>> When I open mapbook I see mapbook.xml and mapbook_dev and two mapbook.txt
>>> ****
>>> Tell me if am wrong, I want to change the coordinates of parcel data in
>>> the mapfile and do the same also in mapbook.xml am not sure if I should
>>> also do the same in mapbook_dev****
>>> On 26 Aug 2013 5:07 PM, "James Klassen" <klassen.js at gmail.com> wrote:***
>>> *
>>> Mapfiles tell MapServer how to access your data and draw your data as a
>>> map service.
>>> The Mapbook tells GeoMoose how to connect to layers in map services and
>>> how to make those layers available in the Catalog.  You will need to change
>>> the Mapbook to point to your new mapfile.
>>> http://docs.geomoose.org/2.6/docs/mapbook.html
>>> On 2013/8/26 9:40 AM, Solly Vuso wrote:****
>>> Hi Mark****
>>> Am new in geomoose, I would like to check when I want to use my own data
>>> wich file to change that will read the mapfile , I have already created a
>>> mapfile and name it parcels with my own data but I dont know what other
>>> file to twirk and make it to read my parcel mapfile .please help ****
>>> Thank you****
>>> On 26 Aug 2013 3:39 PM, "Mark Volz" <MarkVolz at co.lyon.mn.us> wrote:****
>>> Hello
>>> I noticed that everything on the bug tracker is closed and set to
>>> wontfix.  I am just curious as to what is going on.
>>> Thanks
>>> Mark Volz, GISP
>>> GIS Specialist
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>>> Geomoose-users mailing list
>>> Geomoose-users at lists.osgeo.org
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>>> ** **
>>> ****
>>> ** **
>>> --
>>> Best Regards
>>> Solly Vuso
>>> Cell:073 3068 170
>>> Fax:086 555 1270
>>> I may not know what tomorrow holds for me but I do know who holds ma
>>> tomorrow..... ****
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Geomoose-users mailing list
>>> Geomoose-users at lists.osgeo.org
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>> --
>> *Raiz Roland Robert*
> --
> Best Regards
> Solly Vuso
> Cell:073 3068 170
> Fax:086 555 1270
> I may not know what tomorrow holds for me but I do know who holds ma
> tomorrow.....
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