[Geomoose-users] Minor documentation fix

Paul Wickman paul at flatrockgeo.com
Tue Sep 30 12:39:47 PDT 2014

Thanks, Jim.  Is the new WMS popup code in v2.7?

On Mon, Sep 29, 2014 at 5:12 PM, Jim Klassen <klassen.js at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 09/29/2014 04:49 PM, Paul Wickman wrote:
> > Have you written custom JS code to run WMS queries client-side rather
> > than through the PHP services?
> >
> > -Paul
> Not exactly, but I keep thinking it should be done that way.  It would
> move the looping over active layers into the JS instead of PHP, but I
> suspect current browsers can handle that.  It might be worthwhile to
> check the new WMS popup code though, which is all JS and driven from
> GetFeatureInfo requests.
> (Making the request from the server sends the same cookies/HTTP
> authentication as the GetMap request, which is very difficult to
> duplicate from a PHP script on the server.)

Paul Wickman
CTO | Flat Rock Geographics
612.280.5850 | paul at flatrockgeo.com
www.flatrockgeo.com | twitter.com/flatrockgeo
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