[Geomoose-users] Creating of .map for Geomoose
Eli Adam
eadam at co.lincoln.or.us
Thu Dec 10 12:01:22 PST 2015
On Thu, Dec 10, 2015 at 11:59 AM, Eli Adam <eadam at co.lincoln.or.us> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 6:04 AM, Caitlin Prodoehl
> <caitlinprodoehl at co.stevens.mn.us> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am a first time user to GeoMoose and kind of have an idea on how it works. However, the one thing that is stumping me is the .map which I assume is a text based map. How do I go about creating those? Is it in ArcMap or do I have to use some other program? Please let me know.
> I think that the traditional method is a text editor like notepad or
> notepad++ that Biswajit mentioned. (a .map file is just a .txt file
> with the .txt file extension changed to .map). Usually starting with
> another .map file as an example, for instance,
> https://github.com/geomoose/geomoose/blob/master/maps/demo/parcels/parcels.map.
> A more complex .map with data similar to yours might be more helpful.
> I think that there are also some WYSIWYG editors, maybe QGIS .map file
> export extensions, there is also http://scribeui.org/ which I think
> uses an alternate MapServer syntax and is more involved. I think that
> there are even old ArcMap extensions to export .map files. I've not
> used any of these so can't say much about them.
I should have also mentioned that MapServer has great reference
documentation for how a .map file works,
http://mapserver.org/documentation.html#mapfile and
> Best regards, Eli
>> Thank you,
>> Caitlin Prodoehl
>> Caitlin Prodoehl
>> GIS Technician
>> (320) 208-6578 office
>> Stevens County
>> 400 Colorado Ave. Suite 302, Morris, MN, 56267
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