[Geomoose-users] Feature Reports notes

Brent Fraser bfraser at geoanalytic.com
Mon Jun 1 16:15:54 PDT 2015

I need to correct the information is sent earlier.  The first part of 
the instructions below ("Edit the feature_report service...") is not 
necessary as the key field name is specified in the template ("<query 
item="), not the service definition.

Best Regards,
Brent Fraser

On 6/1/2015 10:57 AM, Brent Fraser wrote:
There doesn't seem to be a lot of documentation for the Feature Report 
service, so I made some notes:

Feature Reports

------------------------------------ not necessary: 
Edit (or copy) the feature_report service in the mapbook to add the key 
field, for example:

    <service name="feature_report_Hydrography" display="false" 


<input type="hidden" name="layers" value="Backgrounds/osm"/>

<input type="hidden" name="src"/>

<input type="hidden" name="BF_ID"/>



Add the metadata to the feature’s map file:


'identify_record' 'BF_HYDRO_POLYGON_identify.html'

'popups' 'BF_HYDRO_POLYGON_popups.html'

'feature_report' 'BF_HYDRO_POLYGON_report.xml'


Edit the _identify template to add a link to generate and view the 
report.  For example my BF_HYDRO_POLYGON_identify.html template has:

<tr><td align="left"><b><a href = 
{'BF_ID': '[BF_ID]', 'src' : 'Hydrography/Lakes'})">Report</a></b></td></tr>

Create the report xml file (in my case the file is named 
BF_HYDRO_POLYGON_report.xml) modifying the key name and the PDF report name:

    <query item="BF_ID" string="%qstring%"/>

    <!-- This is the template -->


Create the report PDF file

Copy the parcel_template.pdf to the name you entered in the report xml 
file, for example:

copy parcel_template.pdf BF_HYDRO_POLYGON_template.pdf

Best Regards,
Brent Fraser

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