[Geomoose-users] GeoMoose Extension

Reynolds, Michael J. (DOT) mike.reynolds at state.mn.us
Sun Mar 15 18:13:54 PDT 2015

I need a push...

I'm trying to write a GeoMoose extension using the example CustomTab as a start.

My tab appears but now I want my  tab startup function to step through the mapbook catalog.

My startup function is hooked to the GeoMOOOSE onMapbookLoaded event.

My problem is, I can't figure out how to get a list/array of layers or catalog items to step through.  I've used my developer tools to pause execution of this function and examined what objects are available but nothing fits.

Is there another GeoMOOSE event to hook for this?

Here's my extension so far.  

dojo.declare('FavoritesTab', [GeoMOOSE.Tab], {
        title: '',
        iconClass: 'iconFavorite',
        startup: function() {
    	GeoMOOSE.register('onMapbookLoaded', this, this.gotMapbook);
        gotMapbook: function() {
        	var layers = ?????;  // where an array of layer sources or mapbook catalog layer sources would suffice
	this.set('content', "Loaded...");

dojo.addOnLoad(function() {
        GeoMOOSE.addTab('favorites_tab', new FavoritesTab());

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