[Geomoose-users] WFS-T ideas

Raffaele Morelli raffaele.morelli at gmail.com
Thu Apr 21 22:43:41 PDT 2016

On 21/04/16 at 05:21pm, Brent Fraser wrote:
> Hey all,
>   I've been experimenting with Geomoose's WFS-T (feature editing). Any
> thoughts about allowing teh target of the attribute editing to be a tab
> instead of just a dialog?

Recently I've been involved in a survey project, basically I was asked 
to allow ~4500 users to insert points on a map and fill a form (attributes).

Attributes form was "huge", ie ~15 select lists (with multiple choice) and ~5 textbox, I
would have liked to use GeoMOOSE but WFT-T issues (those recently pointed out to this ML) 
and your point made me give up and switch to Drupal+Openlayers.

Must say I did not spent too much in digging into GM code for that attribute thing 
as my deadline was really close.


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