[Geomoose-users] Identify returns duplicate results

Kevin Grootendorst kgrootendorst at gmail.com
Thu Feb 23 08:26:17 PST 2017

Dear users,
I'm in the process of migrating my data from shapefile format to PostGIS
database.  I've noticed that when using Identify on my PostGIS layers, I
get duplicate identify results.
The data is not duplicated in the database.  I suspect somehow the data is
being drawn twice?  Or is it a problem with the identify tool when used
with PostGIS?

My connection to PostGIS in my mapfile is fairly standard:
CONNECTION 'user=****** password=****** dbname=sample_db host=localhost
DATA 'geom FROM sample_data USING UNIQUE gid USING srid=26917'

Anyone else have this issue with duplicated identify results?

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