[Geomoose-users] GeoMoose Demo, 3.2.0 and Projection Issue

Carrie Quast Carrie.Quast at co.brown.mn.us
Wed May 30 10:05:33 PDT 2018

I am working with GeoMoose 3.2.0, using the demo data and working on getting a usable application for my county.

The problem is, projection isn't working.  I've double checked the app.js file and it is correct for my projection ( app.addProjection ({ ref: 'EPSG:26915', etc etc)

I've double checked that the projection is right in my geomoose_globals.map:  "Init=epsg:26915"

I've set my extents in the app.js to the parcel boundary (331521.859693,4884856.976580, etc, etc.) - and the extents work, but nothing is there.

The application is still placing my parcels at the original default projection - I'm assuming its web Mercator per the gm3 How-To Configure the Coordinate Display.

What am I missing?
Thank You - Carrie Quast

Carrie Quast, GIS / Web Administrator
Phone: 507-233-6633 Ext. 633

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