[Geomoose-users] Geomoose 3 onclick action

Jim Klassen klassen.js at gmail.com
Wed Nov 28 09:55:14 PST 2018

It looks like app.zoomToExtent() takes an extent and projection and app.zoomTo() takes a point (in lat/lon), and zoom level, but no projection.  This seems like it might be a bit on an oversight, but in the meantime gm3.util.projectFeatures() is available from services.  Paring that with app.zoomTo(point, zoom_level) looks like it would work.

You could do this in the template directly or add a helper function in your app.js.

Say something like (untested):

function myZoomTo(in_point, projection, zoom) {
  var point = gm3.util.projectFeatures([point], projection, 'EPSG:4326')[0];
  return app.zoomTo(point, zoom);

then call it from the template as:

myZoomTo({geometry.coordinates: [x, y]}, 'EPSG:26915', 16);

I'm not sure that using the global space for myZoomTo is best practice, but just an idea to get started.

I am also remembering something now about the search templates being able to reproject points, but it looks like that is using properties.boundedBy and app.zoomToExtent, so that might not apply.

On 11/28/2018 11:18 AM, Reynolds, Michael J. (MNIT) wrote:
> The onClick would be in a search template used for rendering search results.  Once rendered and displayed to the user, the user could click the <a> and the onClick would execute the function to zoom to the location.
> <div class="search-result">
>                 <div class="search-label">
>                                 {{ properties.name }}     </div>
>                 <div class="search-action">
>                                 <div style="padding: 2px">
>                                                 <a onclick='app.zoomToCoordinates([{{ geometry.coordinates.0 }},{{ geometry.coordinates.1 }}], 26915, 16)' class="zoomto-link">
>                                                                 <i class="fa fa-search"></i>
>                                                                 Zoom!
>                                                 </a>
>                                 </div>
>                 </div>
> </div>
> *From:*James Klassen [mailto:klassen.js at gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Wednesday, November 28, 2018 10:44 AM
> *To:* Reynolds, Michael J. (MNIT) <mike.reynolds at state.mn.us>
> *Cc:* GeoMOOSE Users List <geomoose-users at lists.osgeo.org>
> *Subject:* Re: [Geomoose-users] Geomoose 3 onclick action
> I'm lost.  Where is the onClick coming from (DOM element, general description, ...)?
> I know you can create a service that asks the user to click a point on the map and returns the coordinate, etc.  You can call the app.* from the HTML returned by the service rendering template (and maybe even earlier) without worrying about react/dispatch/etc.
> I am working on a jump to USNG coordinate service in a branch on my fork (klassenjs/gm3) that does both of the above.
> On Tue, Nov 27, 2018, 06:39 Reynolds, Michael J. (MNIT) <mike.reynolds at state.mn.us <mailto:mike.reynolds at state.mn.us> wrote:
> We're trying to create an onClick() event that passes coordinates, srid, and zoom level in and moves the map to that location.
> It seems like the onClick event would need to create an action loaded with the parameters, register and then dispatch or run it, so would that be a  function we create in our app's app.js? 
> Plus we would then need to create the zoom action which we would like to transform the coordinates from in-srid to web Mercator and then move the map.  Are Proj and mapActions available to actions at runtime? 
> onClick => app.zoomToCoordinates() => dispatch ZoomToCoordinates action to transform coordinates and move map.
> There's a gm3 zoomTo() function now but it expects lat,lon.  We're not currently modifying any of the core geomoose 3 code and hoping to be able to add this modification to our app's part of the code.
> Open to any ideas, even scrapping this procedure with a shorter one if there's a way to control the map without dispatching an action but that would mean the js function somehow needs access to the app Proj library and map object. Right?
> *Michael Reynolds*
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