[Geomoose-users] search service and search template

Dan Little theduckylittle at gmail.com
Tue Feb 5 04:57:46 PST 2019

Ack! Really trying to get back to everyone this week after a hectic holiday

Is GeoMoose making the WFS cal? What does the response body look like in
Dev tools or firebug?

On Mon, Dec 17, 2018 at 8:46 AM Stathis G. Arapostathis <
e.arapostathis at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
>   I want to setup a search service for a certain point layer.
> My layer is called cemeteries and is consisted of three main fields: id,
> name and city.
> I added the necessary code in the app.js  The following code adds all the
> required choices in a dropdown menu. The labels are names of cities and
> they are linked to the numeric values of the id field.
> app.registerService('search', SearchService, {
>         fields: [
>             {type: 'select', label: 'Πόλη', name: 'id',
>              options: [
>                 { label: "Αλεξανδρούπολη", value: "6" },
>                 { label: "Άλιμος", value: "13" },
> { label: "Αμφίκλεια", value: "8" },
>                 { label: "Αριδαία", value: "11" },
> { label: "Δελφοί", value: "10" },
>                 { label: "Ζέιτενλινκ", value: "2" },
>     { label: "Ηράκλειο Κρήτης", value: "4" },
>                 { label: "Καλαμαριά (Κοιμητήριο)", value: "18" },
> { label: "Καλαμαριά (επιτύμβιες στήλες)", value: "3" },
>                 { label: "Καρούτες Φωκίδας", value: "12" },
> { label: "Κοζάνη", value: "9" },
>                 { label: "Λήμνος Ακρωτήριο Πούντα", value: "17" },
> { label: "Λήμνος Μούδρου", value: "7" },
>                 { label: "Πειραιάς", value: "1" },
> { label: "Πεντάλοφος Κοζάνης", value: "16" },
>                 { label: "Στυλίδα", value: "14" },
> { label: "Σφακτηρία Μεσσηνίας", value: "15" },
>                 { label: "Χανιά", value: "5" }
>              ]
> }
>         ],
>         searchLayers: ['cemeteries/cemeteries']
>     });
> But something must be wrong in the search template(?).
> <map-source name="cemeteries" type="mapserver" title="Νεκροταφεία">
> <file>./demo/cemeteries/cemeteries.map</file>
> <param name="typename" value="ms:cemeteries" />
> <layer name="cemeteries" status = "on">
> <template name="identify" src="./templates/cemeteries.html" />
>     <template name="search"><![CDATA[
>     <div class="search-result">
>         <div class="search-label">
>             {{ properties.id }}
>         </div>
>         <div class="search-action">
>             <div style="padding: 2px">
>                 <a onClick="app.zoomToExtent([{{ properties.boundedBy |
> join }}])" class="zoomto-link">
>                     <i class="fa fa-search"></i>
>                     {{ properties.name }}
>                 </a>
>             </div>
>         </div>
>     </div>
> ]]></template>
> </layer>
> <param name="FORMAT" value="image/png"/>
> </map-source>
> Any assistance would be highly appreciated.
> Thank you
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