[Geomoose-users] AGS vector and styling
TC Haddad
tchaddad at gmail.com
Sun Mar 24 18:41:26 PDT 2019
Well I suppose you could have 2 mapsources with different names, and
different filters?
On Sun, Mar 24, 2019 at 6:13 PM Kevin Grootendorst <kgrootendorst at gmail.com>
> Thanks for the suggestion.
> I tried that...If I have two instances of <layer name="Trails">, each with
> it's own Filter, then unfortunately only the first instance of <layer
> name="Trails"> is interpreted.
> I believe that the layer name must be "Trails" as that's what is
> identified in the REST properties in the above REST url.
> On Sun, 24 Mar 2019 at 20:49, TC Haddad <tchaddad at gmail.com> wrote:
>> You could try having more than one layer in the map source - one for each
>> filter item?
>> On Sun, Mar 24, 2019 at 10:51 AM Kevin Grootendorst <
>> kgrootendorst at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Update:
>>> I'm able to use <filter> to style for one condition, but am unable to do
>>> for 2 or more conditions.
>>> In the example below, I can filter the REST service to only show Trails
>>> that are "Seasonal".
>>> <map-source name="ags5" type="ags-vector" srs="EPSG:3857"
>>> title="Norfolk Trails">
>>> <url>
>>> http://services1.arcgis.com/mSGV2hCLXHNsfQqK/arcgis/rest/services/Trails/FeatureServer/0
>>> </url>
>>> <layer name="Trails" status="on">
>>> <style><![CDATA[
>>> {
>>> "line-color" : "#A1A138",
>>> "line-width" : 2
>>> }
>>> ]]>
>>> </style>
>>> <filter><![CDATA[
>>> ["==", "STATUS", "Seasonal"]
>>> ]]></filter>
>>> </layer>
>>> </map-source>
>>> There is another "STATUS" = "Maintained" that I wish to also style.
>>> I've tried adding another <style> and <filter> for "Maintained" trails,
>>> but it will only draw the first <style> tags, which correspond to
>>> "Seasonal" trails.
>>> I also tried using <div> tags to somehow separate the two but that had
>>> no effect.
>>> Any other ideas on what I could try?
>>> Thanks.
>>> Kevin
>>> On Sun, 17 Mar 2019 at 17:24, Kevin Grootendorst <
>>> kgrootendorst at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> Can an ags-vector data type be styled based on attributes?
>>>> I understand the <style> tags, but they currently return one style for
>>>> the entire layer.
>>>> <layer name="Municipal_Land_Use_Plans" status="off">
>>>> <style><![CDATA[
>>>> {
>>>> "line-color" : "#0e57cc",
>>>> "line-width" : 2
>>>> }
>>>> ]]>
>>>> </style>
>>>> <template name="identify" auto="true"/>
>>>> <param name="FORMAT" value="png"/>
>>>> </layer>
>>>> If the layer has a field called 'Type' with unique attributes (wetland,
>>>> farm, etc.), can I style it based on this field?
>>>> Thanks.
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