[Geomoose-users] REMINDER - OSGeo Twin Cities (aka TCMUG) local chapter Meeting - Aug, 12th

Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul) bob.basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us
Fri Aug 7 13:24:58 PDT 2020


Had good (virtual) meeting in July with Howard Butler giving a presentation on the “What was the GDAL BarnRaising”.
A link to the powerpoint slides of the presentation can be found on our Local Chapter page below.  ( I messed up on the recording of the presentation, and didn’t capture the audio)

Our next meeting we’ll have:

Presenter:  Bob Basques
A presentation on: Generating a time-lapse movie from a series of map images generated by MapServer.  Tools discussed: MapServer, Postgres/PostGIS, Apache, and FFMPEG

This will be a virtual meeting. There will be an attempt to record it. Here is the connection info:


When: Aug 12, 4:30 PM CDT

OSGeo, Twin Cities (aka TCMUG), MN, USA Local Chapter Page.<https://www.osgeo.org/local-chapters/twin-cities-mn-usa-chapter/>

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