[Geomoose-users] how to set SRS in Geomoose 3

flavio rigolon flavio.rigolon at gmail.com
Wed Nov 4 06:39:34 PST 2020

Il giorno mer 4 nov 2020 alle ore 14:18 James Klassen
<klassen.js at gmail.com> ha scritto:
> In GeoMoose 3, the map is (so far anyway) always in 3857.
> There are conversion functions for dealing with services that expect different projections and for converting to/from different projections for user interaction.
> You can use app.bboxToMeters(west, south, east, north) to convert from lat/lon to 3857 which can then be passed in for extent.
> I don't know if there are currently similar functions for arbitrary projections (if there isn't yet, that is something that we should probably add).

Thanks for the clarifications. I've changed the app.js file editing
the app.loadMapbook block with the coordinates I need transforming
them in EPSG:3857: now the initial view is ok and I can visualize my
data correctly.

> This would all be configured in app.js.  Setting the projection in the mapbook was a GeoMoose 2 thing and isn't part of GeoMoose 3.

ok, now I understand

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