[Geomoose-users] GeoMoose versions and changelog

Jim Klassen klassen.js at gmail.com
Tue Nov 17 12:23:43 PST 2020

On 11/17/20 11:14 AM, Eli Adam wrote:
> Do we have a changelog other than
> https://github.com/geomoose/geomoose-website/tree/master/source/releases
> andhttps://geomoose.org/index.html#geomoose-news  that might help
> people notice which version features appear?

The release pages and news section on the website are manually updated as part of the release process.  In practice, that is usually done by me by reading through the closed GitHub issues, PRs, and git log and pulling out what I think are the highlights of what changed.  Often the high level change that are visible a user or implementer aren't one-to-one with the actual code changes that implemented them.

We try to remember to tag the issues on GitHub by milestone (release), but as that is a manual process, it doesn't always happen.

Of course, the definitive answer is always the git commit log:

But, I guess what I'm reading between the lines here is that a 3.6.3 (or 3.7.0) release is in order.

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