[Geomoose-users] GM3 version

flavio rigolon flavio.rigolon at gmail.com
Thu Nov 19 23:08:54 PST 2020

Il giorno ven 20 nov 2020 alle ore 02:04 Brent Fraser
<bfraser at geoanalytic.com> ha scritto:
> Hi flavio,
> Usually the best choice is the highest version without the "-beta". so currently that's 3.6.2.
> But there is always the potential for issues to be discovered, and while we try to address/fix them quickly,  there is a lag between when they are found, when they are fixed, and when a release version is made available.
> So if you find a problem with the release version, ask on the mailing list (like you did!), check the issues list, try the beta version or the code in the master branch on GitHub.  And if you like a challenge, you could debug and fix the code (help is always appreciated!)
> Best Regards,
> Brent Fraser

Hi Brent,
 yes, now I understood well. I'm not a developer but I'll try to test
the beta version like you said.

Thanks for the clarification and for all the work

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