[GeoNode-devel] How can I protect a WMS service by password? geonode 2.4b25

Rainer Lissewski rainerlissewski at gmail.com
Wed May 6 02:20:52 PDT 2015

Yes I fully understand that.Thanks for clarifying here, so that also 
other people understand the concept. ;-)
Kind rgrds
Am 06.05.2015 um 10:05 schrieb Simone Dalmasso:
> Rainer, a GeoNode layer is by definition a layer on geoserver which 
> means OGS services. Geoserver will respect the view permissions on the 
> layer but it will always be a WMS layer.
> 2015-05-06 9:54 GMT+02:00 Rainer Lissewski <rainerlissewski at gmail.com 
> <mailto:rainerlissewski at gmail.com>>:
>     Simone,
>     I mean I have a layer in geonode and serve it out as a WMS.
>     The first question below is solved, the permissions work also for
>     the WMS.
>     Second question: Is there a way cancel the publishing of a layer
>     as WMS, apart from taking away all permissions from a layer?
>     Kind regards
>     R
>     Am 06.05.2015 um 08:40 schrieb Simone Dalmasso:
>>     Rainer, by publishing a WMS you mean that you uploaded a layer or
>>     you created a remote service?
>>     2015-05-05 19:21 GMT+02:00 Rainer Lissewski
>>     <rainerlissewski at gmail.com <mailto:rainerlissewski at gmail.com>>:
>>         Hi I was publishing a WMS from the geonode GUI.
>>         In spite the map being limited by permissions  to only be
>>         accessed by me, I could see and open the WMS in QGIS without
>>         password or username.
>>         Also, how can I cancel the publishing as WMS?
>>         Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
>>         Best
>>         R
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>>     -- 
>>     Simone
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> -- 
> Simone

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