[GeoNode-devel] Time to do a Beta and a Release

Jeffrey Johnson ortelius at gmail.com
Fri Sep 25 07:37:40 PDT 2015

Ariel, can you add Daniel, Alessio and Tyler as owners/maintainers on pypi?

On Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 7:18 AM, Daniel Berry <dberry at boundlessgeo.com>

> Yep, Ariel will need to do that. It might be wise to add a few other
> people as owners or maintainers to both gsconfig and gsimporter.
> On Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 9:00 AM, Jeffrey Johnson <ortelius at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I believe so. Daniel, if you can make the releases to Pypi, please go for
>> it. Otherwise we may need help from Ariel.
>> On Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 6:59 AM, Alessio Fabiani <
>> alessio.fabiani at geo-solutions.it> wrote:
>>> Yes IMHO
>>> -A.
>>> ==
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>>> On Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 3:57 PM, Daniel Berry <dberry at boundlessgeo.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> In regards to the gsimporter and gsconfig are we at a point where we
>>>> can update pypi.
>>>> I loaded both on testpypi
>>>> gsimporter - https://testpypi.python.org/pypi/gsimporter/0.2
>>>> gsconfig - https://testpypi.python.org/pypi/gsconfig/0.6.14
>>>> Dan
>>>> On Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 4:04 AM, Paolo Corti <pcorti at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Alessio
>>>>> >
>>>>> > On Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 10:39 AM, Paolo Corti <pcorti at gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> I agree to start releasing a new beta (beta 27) and maybe start
>>>>> >> thinking about releasing a RC1 (time is short to the sprint).
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> By the way: I see several issues still open regarding GeoServer
>>>>> >> integration [1], maybe it would be great to do a triage to check
>>>>> what
>>>>> >> it was fixed and what it was not.
>>>>> >> Personally I see #2177 as a blocker to move our production to GS
>>>>> 2.7.
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> > I did not have the chance to look deeply in to this yet, but at a
>>>>> first
>>>>> > glance I'm not fully sure this depends on GS. It seems to be more an
>>>>> issue
>>>>> > on GeoNode side. Do you have any more details? In any case I'll try
>>>>> to find
>>>>> > some time to inspect this issue as soon as possible. (Also, make a
>>>>> try using
>>>>> > the very latest versions of gsconfig and gsimporter, the
>>>>> communication
>>>>> > between the client and GeoServer has several fixes and improvements
>>>>> which
>>>>> > maybe already fixed this issue too)
>>>>> >
>>>>> we can look into this at the sprint, and yes you are correct, it is
>>>>> just Django, sorry for the confusion.
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> Is the SQL security backend correctly working with GS 2.7 [2]?
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Never tested. Can you please send me few lines and details in order
>>>>> to test
>>>>> > and troubleshoot this?
>>>>> >
>>>>> http://docs.geonode.org/en/dev/deploy/production.html#installing-the-stored-procedure
>>>>> hope it helps
>>>>> cheers
>>>>> p
>>>>> --
>>>>> Paolo Corti
>>>>> Geospatial software developer
>>>>> web: http://www.paolocorti.net
>>>>> twitter: @capooti
>>>>> skype: capooti
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>>>>> geonode-devel mailing list
>>>>> geonode-devel at lists.osgeo.org
>>>>> http://lists.osgeo.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/geonode-devel
>>>> --
>>>> *Daniel Berry*
>>>> Professional Services Engineer | Boundless
>>>> dberry at boundlessgeo.com
>>>> 512-468-3946 (cell)
>>>> @boundlessgeo
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> geonode-devel mailing list
>>> geonode-devel at lists.osgeo.org
>>> http://lists.osgeo.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/geonode-devel
> --
> *Daniel Berry*
> Professional Services Engineer | Boundless
> dberry at boundlessgeo.com
> 512-468-3946 (cell)
> @boundlessgeo
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