<div style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial; COLOR: rgb(0, 0, 0); FONT-SIZE: 10px">Summary: Using HTTPS Geoserver with Geonode. <br /><br />I just finished installing geonode on a local test box and the app comes up fine. I have a remote GEOSERVER that is HTTPS enabled. When I try to upload layers I get an error in the server regarding SSL_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE: certificate verify failed.<br /><br />Can Geonode be configured so that I can communicate with an HTTPS enabled Geoserver. (In Geoserver we have to present a certificate (PKI) in order to login). On the geoserver side we basically have this installed <br /><br /><a href="http://docs.geoserver.org/latest/en/user/security/tutorials/cert/" target="_blank">http://docs.geoserver.org/<wbr></wbr>latest/en/user/security/<wbr></wbr>tutorials/cert/</a><div class="yj6qo ajU"><div class="ajR" data-tooltip="Show trimmed content" id=":nq" role="button" tabindex="0"><img class="ajT" src="https://ssl.gstatic.com/ui/v1/icons/mail/images/cleardot.gif" /></div></div></div>