[GeoNode-users] Select/Filter remote services' layers

Alessandro Sarretta alessandro.sarretta at gmail.com
Wed Jun 10 06:10:02 PDT 2015

Dear all,
I'm testing the use of remote services with GeoNode 2.4.
I'm testing it with some WMS services serving hundreds of layers, and 
I'd like to register in geonode only some of those.
Is it possible, before or during the registration phase, to select which 
layer to register from a specific service? I've seen that after the 
registration the layers from the registered service can be deleted one 
by one, but this could be a long and tricky issue...
In addition to that, when I register the service, the layers appear to 
be visible to everyone (and I think this depends from the default 
permissions): is it possible (from the web interface) to set the default 
permissions for the registered layer in advance (i.e. during the 
registration process?).
Thank you,



Alessandro Sarretta

skype/twitter: alesarrett
Web: ilsarrett.wordpress.com <http://ilsarrett.wordpress.com>

Research information:

  * Google scholar profile
  * ORCID <http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1475-8686>
  * Research Gate <https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Alessandro_Sarretta>
  * <https://impactstory.org/AlessandroSarretta>

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