[GeoNode-users] Create new filter for layers

Melvin Ramos melvin.ramos1991 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 18 15:19:05 PDT 2015

Hello Simone,

"You did well young padawan" (:

Thanks. I just checked it out. In theory I replicated everything but still
not working. I will go step by step like before:

*Modified search_scripts.html in the search templates*

I added this line of code:

*IUCN_CATEGORIES_ENDPOINT = '{% url 'api_dispatch_list' api_name='api'
> resource_name='iucn_categories' %}';*

Just like the categories endpoint

*Modified the search.js in the static folder*

I added in the loaded section the following

> *  module.load_iucn_categories = function ($http, $rootScope, $location){*
> *        var params = typeof FILTER_TYPE == 'undefined' ? {} : {'type':
> *        if ($location.search().hasOwnProperty('title__icontains')){*
> *          params['title__icontains'] =
> $location.search()['title__icontains'];*
> *        }*
> *        $http.get(IUCN_CATEGORIES_ENDPOINT, {params:
> params}).success(function(data){*
> *
> if($location.search().hasOwnProperty('iucn_category__identifier__in')){*
> *                data.objects =
> module.set_initial_filters_from_query(data.objects,*
> *                    $location.search()['iucn_category__identifier__in'],
> 'identifier');*
> *            }*
> *            $rootScope.categories = data.objects;*
> *            if (HAYSTACK_FACET_COUNTS && $rootScope.query_data) {*
> *                module.haystack_facets($http, $rootScope, $location);*
> *            }*
> *        });**    }*

Then I added in the module.haystack_facets the following

> *      if ("iucn_categories" in $rootScope) {*
> *          $rootScope.category_counts = data.meta.facets.category;*
> *          for (var id in $rootScope.categories) {*
> *              var category = $rootScope.categories[id];*
> *              if (category.identifier in $rootScope.category_counts) {*
> *                  category.count =
> $rootScope.category_counts[category.identifier]*
> *              } else {*
> *                  category.count = 0;*
> *              }*
> *          }**      }*

Finally, in the module.run I added this

> *    if ($('#iucn_categories').length > 0){*
> *       module.load_categories($http, $rootScope, $location);**    }*

But it didn't work, still shows nothing on the template.What am I missing??

Thanks in advance,


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2015-06-18 17:01 GMT-04:30 Simone Dalmasso <simone.dalmasso at gmail.com>:

> Hi Melvin,
> you did well, the only missing thing is here
> https://github.com/GeoNode/geonode/blob/master/geonode/static/geonode/js/search/search.js,
> javascript part that loads the categories through the api and compiles the
> query.
> Ciao
> 2015-06-18 23:17 GMT+02:00 Melvin Ramos <melvin.ramos1991 at gmail.com>:
>> Hello,
>> I'm trying to duplicate the Categories filter, because I'm need to use a
>> new set of categories for my layers, but I'm having a hard time trying to
>> find out how the templates gets the data since it uses AngularJS.
>> So here is what I''ve done so far:
>> *Modified the models.py of the Base app*
>> I added a new class called IUCNCategory
>>> *class IUCNCategory(models.Model):    """    Metadata regarding IUCN
>>> standards    """    identifier = models.CharField(max_length=255)
>>> category_type = models.CharField(        choices=(
>>> ('risk_criteria', 'Risk Criteria'),            ('bio_realm',
>>> 'Biogeographical Realm'),            ('typology', 'Typology')        ),
>>>     max_length=255,    )    description = models.TextField(default='')
>>> gn_description = models.TextField('RLE description', default='',
>>> null=True)    # is_choice = models.BooleanField(default=True)    def
>>> __unicode__(self):        return u"{0}".format(self.gn_description)
>>> class Meta:        ordering = ("category_type","identifier",)
>>> verbose_name_plural = 'IUCN Categories'*
>> It's just like TopicCategory with one different attribute.
>> I added to the class ResourceBase the following attribute
>> *iucn_category = models.ForeignKey(IUCNCategory, null=True, blank=True)*
>> *Modified the api.py **of the Api app*
>> I created a new class called IUCNCategoryResource
>>> *class IUCNCategoryResource(TypeFilteredResource):**    """IUCN
>>> Category api"""*
>>> *    def serialize(self, request, data, format, options={}):**
>>> options['count_type'] = 'iucn_category'*
>>> *        return super(IUCNCategoryResource, self).serialize(request,
>>> data, format, options)*
>>> *    class Meta:*
>>> *        queryset = IUCNCategory.objects.all()*
>>> *        resource_name = 'iucn_categories'*
>>> *        allowed_methods = ['get']*
>>> *        filtering = {*
>>> *            'identifier': ALL,*
>>> *        }**        serializer = CountJSONSerializer()*
>> It's like the class TopicCategoryResource
>> *Modified the* *resourcebase_api.py **of the Api app*
>> I added to the class CommonModelApi the following attribute
>>> *iucn_category = fields.ToOneField(        IUCNCategoryResource,
>>> 'iucn_category',        null=True,        full=True)*
>> In the definition on the Haystack filters I added the following in the
>> proper places:
>>> *...iucn_category =
>>> parameters.getlist("iucn_category__identifier__in")...if iucn_category:
>>>         sqs = (SearchQuerySet() if sqs is None else sqs).narrow(
>>>     'iucn_category:%s' % ','.join(map(str, iucn_category)))...*
>> Just like the category field.
>> *Modified the** urls**.py **of the Api app*
>> I imported the IUCNCategoryResource from the apy.py and wrote
>> *api.register(IUCNCategoryResource())*
>> *Modified the template _general_filters.html inside the search templates*
>> I added the following code
>>> *<nav class="filter">*
>>> *  <h4><a href="#" class="toggle toggle-nav"><i class="fa
>>> fa-chevron-right"></i>{% trans "Risk Criteria" %}</a></h4>*
>>> *  <ul class="nav closed" id="iucn_categories">*
>>> *    {% verbatim %}*
>>> *      <li ng-repeat="iucn_category in iucn_categories"
>>> ng-if="iucn_category.count > 0">*
>>> *        <a data-value="{{ iucn_category.identifier }}"
>>> data-filter="iucn_category__identifier__in" *
>>> *         ng-click="multiple_choice_listener($event)"
>>> class="{{iucn_category.active}}">{{ iucn_category.gn_description | limitTo:
>>> 25 }}{{ iucn_category.gn_description.length > 25 ? '...' : ''}}*
>>> *          <span class="badge pull-right">{{ iucn_category.count
>>> }}</span>*
>>> *        </a>*
>>> *      </li>*
>>> *    {% endverbatim %}*
>>> *  </ul>**</nav>*
>> But nothing shows beneath the filter name in the template, even when I
>> have one IUCN category stored in database. I'm guessing there is a view
>> somewhere or I'm missing something that allows to pass the data and I can't
>> find it or just Angular is too mystic for me.
>> Can anybody help me?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Melvin
>> --
>> Melvin David Ramos Macías
>> 07-41408
>> Ingeniería de Computación
>> Universidad Simón Bolívar
>> Enviado con MailTrack
>> <https://mailtrack.io/install?source=signature&lang=es&referral=melvin.ramos1991@gmail.com&idSignature=23>
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> --
> Simone

Melvin David Ramos Macías
Ingeniería de Computación
Universidad Simón Bolívar
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