[GeoNode-users] Fwd: Problems with upload shapefile

Ariel Cabezas gerardoarielc at gmail.com
Wed Nov 25 08:00:09 PST 2015

last version of Geonode on Ubuntu 14.04,
using apt-get
no any geoserver plugin

i rememebr now
i changed the default geoserver password from Geoserver option Seguridad /
Users,Groups and Roles for user admin;

and now i rewrote the passw by default
and the message error is :

Unable to find the server at server.idejujuy.gov.ar
but in GeoServer Layer Preview i can see the shape upload

2015-11-25 11:55 GMT-03:00 Simone Dalmasso <simone.dalmasso at gmail.com>:

> ok Can you give us more details on how you installed GeoNode?
> using apt-get or manual?
> Did you add any geoserver plugins?
> 2015-11-25 15:53 GMT+01:00 Ariel Cabezas <gerardoarielc at gmail.com>:
>> Simone thanks,
>> in the
>> /usr/share/geoserver/data/security/auth/geonodeAuthProvider/config.xml
>> already i had <baseUrl>http://server.idejujuy.gov.ar</baseUrl>
>> in the
>> ..../geonode/local_settings.py
>> i have SITEURL='http://server.idejujuy.gov.ar/'
>> in the web page http://server.idejujuy.gov.ar/geoserver/web/.....
>> Option "Settings / Global"
>> i have Proxy Base URL
>> http://server.idejujuy.gov.ar/geoserver/
>> But the error continues
>> Where else i can check this connection Geoserver/Geonode.
>> and what can i check from Geoserver-side ?
>> the installation is the last version of Geonode on Ubuntu 14.04,
>> thanks again
>> Ariel
>> 2015-11-25 4:16 GMT-03:00 Simone Dalmasso <simone.dalmasso at gmail.com>:
>>> Hi, seems that geoserver is unable to connect to geonode. Make sure that
>>> the file geoserver_data_dir/security/auth/geonodeAuthProvider/config.xml
>>> points to the correct geonode address. Then restart tomcat
>>> 2015-11-25 1:26 GMT+01:00 Ariel Cabezas <gerardoarielc at gmail.com>:
>>>> Hi all, I'm trying to upload shape files
>>>> and problems ...
>>>> with Geonode SuperUser
>>>> my host is server.idejujuy.gov.ar
>>>> any help?
>>>> thanks
>>>> Tried to make a GET request to
>>>> http://localhost:8080/geoserver/rest/workspaces/default.xml but got a
>>>> 401 status code:
>>>> Estado HTTP 401 - Communication with GeoNode failed
>>>> (UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken)
>>>> ------------------------------
>>>> type Informe de estado
>>>> mensaje *Communication with GeoNode failed
>>>> (UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken)*
>>>> descripciĆ³n *Este requerimiento requiere autenticaciĆ³n HTTP.*
>>>> ------------------------------
>>>> Apache Tomcat/7.0.52 (Ubuntu)
>>>> Ariel,
>>>> Administracion IDEJ
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>>> --
>>> Simone
> --
> Simone
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