[GeoNode-users] Tip: how to use custom groups in Legend
Simone Dalmasso
simone.dalmasso at gmail.com
Tue Aug 2 13:23:49 PDT 2016
Amedeo, thanks a lot for sharing this!
2016-08-02 10:11 GMT+02:00 Amedeo Fadini <amefad at gmail.com>:
> Hi everybody,
> maybe all of you already knows how to setup different groups in the
> geoexplorer toc (layercontainer) for geonode maps... the default
> installations has two groups, "overlay" an "backgrounds".
> As long as the gxp.plugins.LayerTre has a property "groups" that is
> default setted to null,
> (see the file /var/www/geonode/static/geoexplorer/GeoExplorer.js 80302 )
> I've found this way to overwrite it and set my custom groups:
> in the map templates dir I've created different templates
> /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/geonode/maps/templates/maps
> map_view.html
> map_geoexplorer.js
> (original)
> map_view_company.html
> map_geoexplorer_company.js
> (custom)
> where map_view_company.html has only the different script line:
> {% include 'maps/map_geoexplorer_company.js' %}
> and in map_geoexplorer_company.js the code to load custom groups
> <script type="text/javascript">
> /* modifica amedeo 27/07/16
> * vengono definiti i layergroup per le mappe di tipo "Abaco"
> */
> gxp.plugins.LayerTree.prototype.groups = {
> "agen": "Agenzie",
> "come":{
> title: "Commesse",
> exclusive: true
> },
> "comp": "Competitors",
> "mark": "Commerciali",
> "default": "Utilità ", // title can be
> overridden with overlayNodeText
> "background": {
> title: "Sfondi", // can be overridden with baseNodeText
> exclusive: true
> }
> };
> </script>
> Each group is defined in the form "name": "Title" or can have another
> property "exclusive": true for radio button group.
> see http://gxp.opengeo.org/master/doc/lib/plugins/LayerTree.html
> Now I'm wondering what's the better way to call differnte templates
> based on map name or map id,
> I've added a dictionary { "mapid": "templatename"} in
> local_settings.py and by now I've customized the
> geonode.maps.view.map_view to parse that dictionary, but I'm pretty
> sure that the template can be used as an argument of that function so
> I can parse the dictionary in geonode.urls.py.
> Any comments or suggestions are appreciated.
> Amedeo Fadini
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