[GeoNode-users] Geonode SRS 3857

Simone Dalmasso simone.dalmasso at gmail.com
Thu Feb 11 04:34:29 PST 2016

Can't reach your server, anyway would be strange if geoserver treats 900913
requests different from 3857.

@afabiani any hints?

2016-02-11 10:26 GMT+01:00 David Alda Fernandez de Lezea <dalda at hazi.eus>:

> Hi Simone,
> It’s strange yes… In GeoServer the layers are served in 3857 (native and
> declared) and if I preview the layer directly from GeoServer I can see
> those labels correctly but once loaded into the GeoExplorer Map the tiles
> are requested under 900913, I mean, I’ve tracking them down with fiddler
> and I can’t see anywhere a 3857 parameter.
> If you want to check the layer I’m using you can do it with:
> http://www.geo.euskadi.eus/WMS_NEKAZARITZA?
> Agur bero bat,
> David Alda Fernández de Lezea
> Área de Sistemas de Información Geográfica, Planificación Territorial y
> Forestal Informazio Geografikoen Sistemak, Lurralde eta Baso Antolaketaren
> Arloa.
> dalda at hazi.eus | www.hazi.eus
> T 945 003 240 – M 627 923 170 – F 945 003 290
> Hazi | Granja Modelo de Arkaute s/n | 01192 Arkaute – Araba
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> De: Simone Dalmasso [mailto:simone.dalmasso at gmail.com]
> Enviado el: jueves, 11 de febrero de 2016 10:11
> Para: David Alda Fernandez de Lezea
> CC: geonode-users at lists.osgeo.org
> Asunto: Re: [GeoNode-users] Geonode SRS 3857
> Hi,
> the two srs should be exactly the same. I've loaded many 3857 layers
> without any issue or need to change the geonode code. Also, geonode
> preserves the native projection so in geoserver they are published as 3857
> and geoexplorer just directly load them.
> Not sure why you get deformed labels.
> 2016-02-10 12:54 GMT+01:00 David Alda Fernandez de Lezea <dalda at hazi.eus>:
> Hi list,
> I need to change the default CRS to EPSG:3857. In theory it's the same to
> EPSG:900913 but when I get a layer in a native 3857 CRS if I load the layer
> into the GeoExplorer the labels and vector contours appear slightly
> deformed.
> I've changed views.py and layers.py but I still get in the map
> SRS=EPSG:900913 requests..
> Where do I have to change the default srs?
> Is there a plan to move from 900913 to 3857?? 900913 seems to be obsolete
> and the official is 3857?
> Thanks,
> Agur bero bat,
> David Alda Fernández de Lezea
> Área de Sistemas de Información Geográfica, Planificación Territorial y
> Forestal Informazio Geografikoen Sistemak, Lurralde eta Baso Antolaketaren
> Arloa.
> dalda at hazi.eus | www.hazi.eus
> T 945 003 240 - M 627 923 170 - F 945 003 290
> Hazi | Granja Modelo de Arkaute s/n | 01192 Arkaute - Araba
> *********************  LEGE OHARRA   *******************   AVISOLEGAL
> *******************   DISCLAIMER   *****************************
> Mezu hau pertsonala eta isilpekoa da eta baimenik gabeko erabilera
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> --
> Simone

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