[GeoNode-users] A bug detected by me and others when zooming our project outcome maps

Simone Dalmasso simone.dalmasso at gmail.com
Fri May 6 11:05:03 PDT 2016

Hi this thread should help you to fix it

hope it helps

2016-05-06 17:28 GMT+02:00 Everton Valiati Hemerly <
E.ValiatiHemerly at tudelft.nl>:

> Dear Geonode Developers,
> I have created this map to help one to disseminate their project outcomes;
> please see it:
>  http://be-basic.grs.tudelft.nl/maps/313/view
> But I still have a important issue which comes from a bug detected by me
> and others when zooming maps.  As you can read below from my ITC supporter,
> "This is caused by an incompatibility with Google Maps and/or Bing maps and
> needs to be fixed by the developers of Geonode in an upcoming release. But
> at the moment there is no such thing."
> So, I would like to ask you, is it true what he is saying? Should I wait
> for the next version?! I know You just released the 2.4.0 !
> Thank you very much and We are looking forward to fix this issue very soon.
> (Below the ITC tecnician response)
>  Hi Everton,
> We just had a look at the be-basic.grs.tudelft.nl server and as far as I
> can tell  it is running geonode 2.4.0 + final patch. This is the latest
> release that is available from Geonode.org.
> root at be-basic:~# dpkg -s geonode
> Package: geonode
> Status: install ok installed
> Priority: extra
> Section: science
> Installed-Size: 4370
> Maintainer: Ariel Nunez <ingenieroariel at gmail.com>
> <https://webmail.tudelft.nl/owa/redir.aspx?REF=ya754dyw2ywoZZ3pvT0pa-EOMfYcuV6_hWZ5wJYglps5p75MwHXTCAFtYWlsdG86aW5nZW5pZXJvYXJpZWxAZ21haWwuY29t>
> Architecture: all
> Version: 2.4.0+thefinal0
> Possibly, the confusion comes from a bug detected by Everton when zooming
> maps. This is caused by an incompatibility with Google Maps and/or Bing
> maps and needs to be fixed by the developers of Geonode in an upcoming
> release. But at the moment there is no such thing.
> Best regards,
> Erwin
> (finished)
> Best regards.
> *Dr. Everton Valiati Hemerly*, Researcher
> *T**U **Delft** /Civil Engineering & Geosciences, *Geoscience and Remote
> Sensing
> Room 2.120, Stevinweg 1, 2628 CN, Delft, The Netherlands
> M  +31 (10) 619797325
> E   e.valiatihemerly at tudelft.nl
> W  www.grs.citg.tudelft.nl
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