[GeoNode-users] Edit option for CSV,KML file upload
Simone Dalmasso
simone.dalmasso at gmail.com
Fri Sep 23 01:29:39 PDT 2016
There seems to be an issue with the editing form the client. It's sending
the coordinated in 3857 and geoserver expect 4326.
Could you please mention this in the bug as well? Thanks
2016-09-23 10:09 GMT+02:00 Naresh N <naresh919 at gmail.com>:
> Dear Simone Dalmasso,
> Thanks a lot for quick response and advise. I will file a bug ... csv
> editing issue .
> And for the shapefile Modify/Create option ---> As advised I have
> manually deleted cache and layers from Tiled Cache layer list from
> Geoserver GUI. Even after that, If Iam editing the uploaded shapefile
> features , the changes/newly created geometries are not reflected when i
> am viewing from *Explore Layers* option and but when I create the Map
> with uploaded layer the changes are visible if view through* Explore
> Map option* .The above option i have tried in demo Geonode site
> http://demo.geonode.org, with admin account, there it is not allowing to
> save and showing the following alert message
> *Error performing insert: 8916120.4814889 outside of (-180.0,180.0).*
> In my case the created geometry is storing in DB and WFS -T response also
> showing inserted record value and but not visible as WMS Layer through
> Explore Layer Option
> Please this option is very crucial for our requirement, please help me to
> resolve. Pleae let me know any other information is required to resolve the
> issue.
> Thanks&Regards,
> Naresh
> On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 11:35 AM, Simone Dalmasso <
> simone.dalmasso at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I think that we can file a bug for the editing issue. Do you mind to do
>> it? https://github.com/GeoNode/geonode/issues/new. We will take a look
>> asap.
>> For the layer disappearing, by default GeoNode uses a cached version of
>> the layers so in you r case when editing them the cache is not updated. You
>> can disable the cache for specific layers or disable the direct cache
>> integration in the geoserver UI -> tile cache tab
>> 2016-09-23 7:48 GMT+02:00 Naresh N <naresh919 at gmail.com>:
>>> Dear Simone Dalmasso,
>>> I have verified DB ,the CSV uploaded properly. And when we click on
>>> Map composer i could able to see post WFS request and response contained
>>> the features geometries along with attributes. Please help me to resolve
>>> the issue. Please find the attached my settings.py and local settings.py
>>> file.. Is any settings issue?
>>> I* have observed one more issue, is it bug or settings issue, please
>>> help me to resolve.*
>>> After uploading shapefile, if we use *Edit option and modify/Create
>>> to modify/create the geometry- modified/Created geometry is not visible ,
>>> some times visible in few zoom levels and some times partially*. Even
>>> if newly created/modified feature is invisible and if we click on it
>>> again, the geometry is appearing with blue color for edit option, but once
>>> you change it is disappearing.Please help me to resolve the issue.
>>> On Fri, Sep 16, 2016 at 7:06 PM, Simone Dalmasso <
>>> simone.dalmasso at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Can you check if they are loaded correctly in the db with geoserver?
>>>> Also, when you open the map composer it issue an edit-cheeck http
>>>> request to geonode. Can you take a look at what's the result of it?
>>>> 2016-09-16 12:44 GMT+02:00 Naresh N <naresh919 at gmail.com>:
>>>>> Dear Simone Dalmasso,
>>>>> Thank a lot for quick response. Yes I am using postgres database. If
>>>>> I load shapefile ,then Create, Modify options are working fine. But in
>>>>> case of CSV and KML files the issues which I mentioned in my earlier mail
>>>>> is coming. Please any idea to resolve.
>>>>> Thanks&Regards,
>>>>> Naresh
>>>>> On Fri, Sep 16, 2016 at 2:22 PM, Simone Dalmasso <
>>>>> simone.dalmasso at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi, are you using a postgres database to store your data? Make sure
>>>>>> they are correctly loaded there by geoserver otherwise the feature editing
>>>>>> is not available.
>>>>>> 2016-09-16 9:13 GMT+02:00 Naresh N <naresh919 at gmail.com>:
>>>>>>> Dear Geonode Users,
>>>>>>> I have installed Geonode in Windows environment. To Upload CSV, KML
>>>>>>> files the following is included in local_setting.py and able to upload csv,
>>>>>>> kml files.
>>>>>>> UPLOADER = {
>>>>>>> 'BACKEND': 'geonode.rest',
>>>>>>> 'OPTIONS': {
>>>>>>> 'TIME_ENABLED': False,
>>>>>>> 'GEOGIG_ENABLED': False,
>>>>>>> },
>>>>>>> 'BACKEND': 'geonode.importer',
>>>>>>> 'OPTIONS': {
>>>>>>> 'TIME_ENABLED': False,
>>>>>>> 'GEOGIG_ENABLED': False,
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> When we visualize uploaded file through the Explore Layers option
>>>>>>> and if we select Edit Data option the following *issues *are facing
>>>>>>> 1. In Map window section --> Edit --> *Create option* is in *grey
>>>>>>> out mode* .i.e not able to select
>>>>>>> 2. If we click on* Modify option* and click on features option then *feature
>>>>>>> info option is not visible* and not able to edit the feature
>>>>>>> geometry and attributes information. I could able to find through the
>>>>>>> firebug that the features information is returning to browser but popup is
>>>>>>> not visible.
>>>>>>> Please find the attached screenshot
>>>>>>> Please suggest me to resolve the issue.
>>>>>>> Thanks&Regards,
>>>>>>> Naresh
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>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Simone
>>>> --
>>>> Simone
>> --
>> Simone
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