[GeoNode-users] Set size to the info popup in Geoexplorer

Amedeo Fadini amefad at gmail.com
Mon Sep 26 01:50:35 PDT 2016

2016-09-26 10:23 GMT+02:00 Annalisa Schiavon <annalisa.schiavon at gmail.com>:
> Thank you very much. Now I point to GeoExplorer-debug.js, I will look for
> displayPopup function ...
> This affects all maps, right? I wonder if there is a way to modify the
> getfeatureinfo in only some maps, those that have pictures ...

Yes this affects all maps, I've achieved the use of different
templates for each maps using layer groups [0] and I want integrate
there the info popup size.

Sure there is a javascript way to change that properties loading gxp
app (map-geoexplorer.js) but
I've still not found. Are you still in Padova? Maybe we can meet and
Hack a bit toghether.

> Yes, I already use freemarker templates, though only content.ftl works fine
> and my tests with header.ftl files don't work ... I was thinking to add some
> easy javascripts on header

Yes in Geoxplorer  the header section have no effect, I think because
the template is rendered with an ajax request and the DOM is
different. In the same way Javascript, that works
in geoserver preview, has no effect also in geoexplorer.


[0] https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/geonode-users/2016-August/002109.html

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