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<div>Hi all,</div>
<div class="-x-evo-paragraph -x-evo-top-signature-spacer"><br>
<div>I would like to change the DEFAULT_MAP_CRS of my Geonode instance to another value than 4326 or 900913.</div>
<div>The reason for it is, that I need to add a WMS-Backgroundlayer which does not support 900913. Ok, 4326 is supported, but I want a projected system.</div>
<div>I tried changing the Parameter DEFAULT_MAP_CRS to EPSG:25832, which is the official reference system in most states of Germany (UTM, Zone 32).</div>
<div>Appearently, changing the parameter is not enough since the map is not loaded properly when creating a new map. In the debug tool of the browser, I can see that Geonode tries to find the following file:</div>
<div><a href="http://localhost:8002/maps/defs/EPSG25832.js">http://localhost:8002/maps/defs/EPSG25832.js</a></div>
<div>and request spatialreference.org afterwards.</div>
<div>The File can not be found, because its not there...</div>
<div>Can you tell me, where exactly the file should be located and what should be in there? (I guess, the definition of the crs, but in which format?)</div>
<div>Do need to change something else, in order to get it running?</div>
<div>Thanks for your help.</div>