[Geoprisma-dev] Caching for the Proxy

Alexandre Dube adube at mapgears.com
Tue Dec 8 13:51:32 EST 2009

Yves Moisan wrote:
>  add new functionality to the datastore, e.g. 
> <caching>
> <timeout>
> The second option would relieve users from configuring client-side
> caching in the php code and they would moreover allow users to easily
> switch caching on/off or set different times to particular datastores.
> That is individual data sets could be controlled and not only WMS ot TC
> service types.

Mmm.  I'm not sure anymore.  I wouldn't go that far since we sometimes 
combine Resources together to make OpenLayers layers.  What if some 
DataStore have <cache> turned on and others off ?  Plus, it adds a lot 
of complexity (having to add these 2 nodes to each DS).

The need is : performance boost !  Simply turning the client-side 
"caching" on or off for the whole system seems really fair and simple 
enough.  I still agree that we should have WMS and TC separated though.

What do others think ?

Alexandre Dubé

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